
Thursday, September 30, 2004

Bush Set Debate Trap for Kerry

President Bush has set a debate trap for John Kerry that will force him to take positions opposed by a large percentage of his backers, former top Clinton strategist Dick Morris said this week.

Dick Morris: What's happened is that Bush has set up a trap for Kerry.

He has so emphasized Kerry's flip-flopping, so-called weakness, vacillation, all that stuff, that Kerry has to take strong positions in the debate.

A third of his voters are certified hawks, who say that we're winning the war on terror.... [But] half of his voters are doves. When he starts adopting an anti-Iraq line, anti-war line, he's going to alienate a third of his own voters.

If Kerry comes out strong for the war, however, he can say goodbye to the anti-war types, who think he'll cut and run.

Kerry has a strategic problem... and it doesn't matter how good a debater you are and how attractive you are. Every time he opens his mouth on a foreign policy debate, he's got to take a position that alienates a portion of his voters.

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Kerry Picks A Mate

Howard, Will You Marry Me?

Please Forgive Me For Asking Howard


Debates experts say President Bush could win if he doesn’t get off message. But John Kerry could win if he gets a message.

First he gets the Botox. Now he’s got the rich tan. Apparently the senator’s confused. The Miss America Pageant was last week. This is the presidential debates. In fact it was reported today Kerry got a bikini wax.

Let me tell you something, the only time Bush’s face turns color is when he’s choking on a pretzel.

Are you all ready for the presidential debate this Thursday? It’s kinda like "The Apprentice”, except we get to fire somebody.

A New York company has made a video game that re-enacts John Kerry's war career. Players pretend they're Kerry, on a swift boat in Vietnam. Wasn't there already some game based on John Kerry's life? Oh, yeah, "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?

And the big question is if the Iraqi election will take place as scheduled or not. That’s what all the pundits and experts are arguing. What are they talking about? How are we going to figure that out? We can’t even figure out if Britney Spears is married.

Did you hear about this - big surprise at CBS News – Dan Rather is still there.

Oil has hit an all time high of $50 a barrel. You know what I do? I get it for $48 bucks a barrel on Ebay! I refine it at the house….

A man is suing Southwest Airlines claiming they humiliated him by forcing him to buy two seats for a flight because he’s so fat. Here’s how fat he is - those seats weren’t even on the same flight.

British entrepreneur Richard Branson plans to launch the world’s first passenger service into outer space in the year 2007. Fly into outer space. Isn’t that unbelievable? They say the flight will be available to everyone except Cat Stevens.

There was a 6.0 earthquake in Central California. You know the two best places to be during an earthquake… either under a doorway or at Hooters.

Some sad news - the people who make hostess Twinkies are filing for bankruptcy. The makers of Twinkies are so desperate, they’re even considering adding some nutrition.

In the literary word - a previously unknown story by Ernest Hemmingway has surfaced. The source is still unknown, but Dan Rather says it proves Bush was awol.


Not getting "The Tonight Show” again.

I was talking earlier to the audience about the rain. It’s rained all day today and will tonight. It’s rained so much that Oprah is giving away boats.

Martha Stewart is going away to prison a week from Sunday. Today they assigned her number. So now you can look for her 55170-054 collection at K-Mart.

How many folks are voting for Ralph Nader? (little applause) Thanks Ralph! Anyway Ralph couldn’t get in the debates down in Florida. He will however be making a guest appearance on "CSI: Miami” as a guest cadaver.


The presidential debates are coming up. Everyone is excited to watch these. This Thursday is the first presidential debate. Have you heard the ground rules? Listen to this, John Kerry wants the podium to be tall enough to hide his hands and George Bush wants his to be wide enough to hide Dick Cheney.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Kerry's Election Would Destroy Troop Morale

Asked how Kerry's election would affect troop morale in the combat zone, Lance Cpl. Lawrence Romack told KWEL Midland, Texas, radio host Craig Anderson, "It would destroy it."

Iraq Marine: Troops 'Terrified' of a Kerry Presidency

U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq are "terrified" at the prospect that Americans back home might elect John Kerry president, a Marine and Iraq veteran who is on his way back to the front lines said Monday.

"We're pretty terrified of a John Kerry presidency," added Romack, who served with the 1st Marine Tank Battalion in Iraq.

The Iraq war vet said he fears that most of the news coverage is being skewed to make the mission look like a failure in order to give the Kerry campaign a boost.

"What they're trying to do is get Kerry into the White House, because they know he doesn't want us to stay [in Iraq]," he told Anderson.

Asked if Americans back home were getting an accurate picture of what's happening in the war, the Marine corporal said: "No, they're not. It's not even close. All the press wants to report is casualty counts. They don't want to report the progress we're making over there."

Romack noted that in the southern part of the country, Iraqis welcomed U.S. troops when they set up an immunization programs for children, opened schools and began distributing food.

Contrary to reports that the general population was too afraid to help ferret out insurgents, Romack said, "We had Iraqis pointing out former Baath Party members for us to arrest."

When the KWEL host opened up the phone lines, a member of the 82nd Airborne who had returned from Iraq in March was first on the line.

"The news media – sometimes I felt like I had as much to fear from them as I did the Iraqis," he complained.

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Kerry's Coalition In The War Of Terror

Kerry Fighting Terrorism With Appeasement


"Forbes” magazine has released its latest list of the richest 400 Americans. The richest woman on the list is Alice Walton, she’s worth 18 billion dollars. Or as John Kerry calls her – the one who got away.

You know what’s interesting, both candidates now are trying to lower expectations for how they’ll do on the debates. For example Kerry tried to lower expectations for himself by saying "Bush has never lost a debate and that he is a formable opponent.” Then Bush lowered expectations for himself when he said, "hey what does formable mean?”

Teresa Heinz Kerry predicted at a fundraiser the other day that Osama bin Laden will be captured just before the election. Of course when President Bush heard he was furious. He said, "How did she find out?”

Welcome to the 50th anniversary of "The Tonight Show”. "The Tonight Show” is 50 years old tonight. You know what that means? Everybody in the audience gets a free prostate exam.

To give you an idea how much things have changed in television – 50 years ago the cast of "60 Minutes” were middle aged and their facts were correct.

Despite Hurricane Jean, this Thursday’s presidential debate in Miami is still on. Is that a good idea with a hurricane going? Do you realize if both candidates were to drown, we could be looking at President Ralph Nader.

Speaking of that, Ralph Nader says he is going to participate in the presidential debates. Okay, he’ll be at home yelling at the screen, but

Here’s some news from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. They are now letting people take human remains, mix them in cement, and drop them in the ocean to help make more reefs. Didn’t that used to be called "the mafia”?

According to scientific research, dogs have the ability to smell cancer in people. That means if a dog is sniffing you, it either likes you or you’re going to die.


There are some rules in the debates. The candidates for example must stand at least ten feet apart. They must not address each other directly. It’s the same rules in the John Kerry and Teresa Heinz pre-nup agreement.

Welcome to "The Late Show” or as CBS calls it – "CSI: Letterman”.

New York is great though. If you’re here and want a one of a kind souvenir be sure to take home the police sketch of your assailant.

Don’t kid yourself though. New York City is a tough town. To give you an idea – the Statue of Liberty used to have a purse.

Martha Stewart had a big weekend. She and agent from Century 21 went cell hunting.

The presidential debates start this Thursday in Miami. And today as a result thousands began evacuating.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Kerry Could Spend 90 Minutes Debating Himself

Bush in Ohio: It's been a little tough to prepare because (Kerry) keeps changing positions on the war on the terror.

He voted for the use of force in Iraq and then didn't vote to fund the troops. He complained that we're not spending enough money to help in reconstruction in Iraq and now he's saying we're spending too much. He said it was the right decision to go into Iraq and now he calls it the wrong war.

He could probably spend 90 minutes debating himself.

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (Reuters) - President Bush on Monday mocked his Democratic rival John Kerry for shifting his positions on Iraq so many times he could "debate himself" in this week's face-off between the two candidates.

Kerry responded that with American soldiers' lives on the line in Iraq, it was no time for jokes.

"When U.S. soldiers are in harm's way, the American people don't want jokes and fantasy spin from their president, they want to hear the truth," he said in a statement issued from Spring Green, Wisconsin where he is preparing for the debate.

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Ivan From Space Station
(Sent to us by Martha Branson Of Georgia - Thanks!)

Kennedy And The Mushroom Cloud

The Robot Barber

(Sent to Us By Martha Harrison From Her Cousin Larry Wilkes)

A new barber shop opened in Troy and everybody was talking about it. The buzz is because it has a robot barber.

Well, you know ole Byron, he decides he has to see this for himself. So he goes in and sits in the chair. Sure enough, a robot is cutting hair. Byron specifies his cut style, and the robot asks him his IQ.

Byron replies 150. With that, the robot begins discussing particle physics, the development of hydrogen power cells and global warming.

Byron thought this was pretty impressive. But he wondered what would happen if he didn't claim to be quite as smart. So, a week later, he goes right back in there and climbs in the chair for another trim. Again, the robot asks him his IQ.

This time Byron tells him it's 100. So the robot starts discussing football, basketball and the proper way to grill a steak.

This was really something. And as always, Byron wants to know just how good this robot really is. Yep, you guessed it, the very next week Byron is in the chair getting what's left of his hair cut even shorter. (By this time his hair is almost gone.) Again, the robot asks him his IQ.

This time he tells the robot his IQ is 50. The robot asks, "So, are you Democrats excited about the Kerry-Edwards ticket?"

(Thanks to Martha Harrison Of Utah And Her Cousin Larry Wilkes)

Monday, September 27, 2004

Kerry's Chinese Assault Rifle

"My favorite gun is the M-16 that saved my life and that of my crew in Vietnam," Kerry tells Outdoor Life in its October issue. "I don't own one of those now, but one of my reminders of my service is a Communist Chinese assault rifle."

Kerry: I Love My Illegal Chinese Assault Rifle

John Kerry blasted President Bush two weeks ago for failing to push for an extension of the assault weapons ban, saying he's never met anyone who wanted to use an AK-47 to shoot a deer.

But that was before Kerry admitted in a magazine interview that he owns a Chinese assault rifle.

The Kerry campaign stonewalled questions on their candidate's illegal gun stash, with spokesman Michael Meehan telling the New York Times only that his boss was a registered gun owner in Massachusetts.

Meehan said that Kerry had been unable to respond to questions about his banned weapon because his voice was too hoarse. The Kerry aide refused to return follow-up calls.

"It's O.K. for John Kerry to own these kinds of firearms, but it's not O.K. for John Q. Public?" complained National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam.

"He certainly owes people an explanation as to why there's a double standard," Arulanandam added, noting that if the top Democrat brought his illegal assault rifle home from the war as a souvenir he could be subject to court-martial.

Kerry Blames Aides in Assault Rifle Flap

John Kerry is denying he ever told a magazine interviewer that he owned a Communist Chinese assault rifle, blaming the comment instead on campaign aides who, he insists, made the story up.

It turns out, however, that the gun quotes weren't Kerry's at all - or so he maintains, claiming now that those words were actually written by his staff, who never checked with him.

Kerry aide Michael Meehan explained to the New York Times that his boss's interview with the sports magazine consisted of a four-page written account of his hunting experience, which, the Times noted, included "long conversational answers using first-person pronouns."

Meehan said Kerry's Chinese assault rifle was actually a single-bolt-action military rifle that he "keeps as a relic" and has never fired.

If it's a relic he took home from Vietnam, however, the top Democrat may still not be off the hook.

"If Kerry brought the gun home from the war as a souvenir he could be subject to court-martial," NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told the Times.

So, why did Kerry staffers impersonate Kerry for the interview? And how did they know that he had saved a gun - relic or no - from his Vietnam days?

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Just A Gigolo


Hen egg found in duck egg

Ananova: Residents of a Romanian village are baffled after an elderly farmer found a hen egg inside a duck egg.

The duck's egg looked like a normal one, but inside it was a hen egg complete with a shell.

The 80-year-old farmer said he was blaming his blind rooster for the situation.

Constantin Zamfir told Editie Speciala de Oltenia newspaper: "At first I thought it was a sign from God and I got scared but then I remembered my old rooster.

"He has become a little blind lately but is still the strongest in my farmyard."

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Kerry Criticizing Allawi While He 'Thanks America'

Allawi: We Iraqis are grateful to you, America, for your leadership and your sacrifice for our liberation and our opportunity to start anew.

Transcript: Allawi Thanks America

Before I turn to my government's plan for Iraq, I have three important messages for you today.

First, we are succeeding in Iraq.

The second message is quite simple and one that I would like to deliver directly from my people to yours: Thank you, America.

We Iraqis are grateful to you, America, for your leadership and your sacrifice for our liberation and our opportunity to start anew.

Third, I stand here today as the prime minister of a country emerging finally from dark ages of violence, aggression, corruption and greed.

My friends, today we are better off, you are better off and the world is better off without Saddam Hussein.

Joe Lockhart, a senior Kerry adviser: The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand underneath the shirt today moving the lips.

Instapundit: This is behavior that is absolutely unacceptable coming from a Presidential campaign in wartime, and it's not an isolated incident but part of a pattern of such behavior.

Joe Lockhart should apologize for these remarks, and Kerry should fire him. Otherwise you're going to hear a lot of people questioning Kerry's patriotism. And they'll be right to.

Greg Djerejian: Remember, Kerry may need to work with this so-called "puppet" in the future. Regardless, this is astonishingly irresponsible campaign rhetoric from a key member of the challenger's campaign team.

To malign the serving PM of Iraq as appearing a "puppet" plays right into the handbook of insurgents operating in Iraq. I'm truly shocked Kerry would ostensibly authorize such an inflammatory statement.

The final, fatal mistake was criticizing and contradicting Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi when he was visiting the U.S. Kerry is in a very difficult position needing to criticize Bush's handling of the war, because the criticism itself seems damaging to the war effort.

Bringing Allawi to the U.S. and linking him to the Bush campaign message was a powerful political move by Bush... it forced Kerry into a terrible blunder. The grisly takedown has begun:

BUSH: This brave man came to our country to talk about how he's risking his life for a free Iraq, which helps America. And Sen. Kerry held a press conference and questioned Mr. Allawi's credibility. You can't lead this country if your ally in Iraq feels like you question his credibility.

CHENEY: I must say I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Sen. Kerry showed for this man of courage. Ayad Allawi is our ally. He stands beside us in the war against terror. John Kerry is trying to tear him down and to trash all the good that has been accomplished, and his words are destructive."

Kerry will never dig himself out of this one, I think. And any time he makes his old favorite argument that he is much better suited for interaction with our allies, his Allawi blunder will be thrown in his face.

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The WoodPecker May Have To Go

How To Get Your Man To Vacuum

Sent to us by Martha Branson Of Georgia - Thanks!


John Kerry is still fighting a bad head cold. And with his head, that could last for years.

Yesterday President Bush gave a major speech about Iraq and today John Kerry gave a major speech about Iraq. Do you know what this means—the war in Vietnam may finally be over.

Fall started this week. The fall of Dan Rather!

More problems for the CBS Network. They’ve now been fined $550,000 by the FCC for airing Janet Jackson showing her breast during the super bowl game. Boy how ironic is that? All the trouble CBS is in over fake documents and the one thing they show that’s real.

Ralph Nader attacked the Democrats today calling them "Gutless, spineless, clueless and hapless”. The Democrats shot right back, they said, "At least we’re not voteless!!!”

President Bush attended the opening of the Smithsonian’s American Indian museum in Washington, D.C. President Bush said he was proud of the history of the Indians and proud that the white man could come to this country to liberate them and bring the democracy.

"Forbes” magazine has come out with their annual list of the 400 richest Americans. Bill Gates is once again number one with $48 billion. Plus with that high a balance, he gets free checking.

This year there are 50 women on the "Forbes” 400 richest list. Or as John Kerry calls that, his little black book.

Here’s some good gossip, according to the world entertainment news network, Justin Timberlake had planned to marry Cameron Diaz this Christmas, but called it off because his mom thinks he’s too young to marry. I don’t know. You think he’s too young to marry? You know how you can tell if you’re too young to get married? If your mom won’t let you!

Britney Spears says "Yes she is married” she said the problem is the paperwork hasn’t come through so she’s not legal yet. Well there’s something you don’t see a lot of in L.A. huh? People are here, but not legal. I think that’s the first that’s ever happened, isn’t it?

Some good news: I think we can all sleep a little easier tonight knowing Cat Stevens is no longer a threat, can’t we? The bad news – Joni Mitchell is still out there, somewhere.

Cat Stevens says he is outraged by the USA’s refusal to allow him into the country...he says he now has no choice but to enter America the way most people do - in a van coming into San Diego.

Of course, the big legal question... does Cat Stevens still get the frequent flyer miles?

October 8th is the date for reporting to jail for Martha Stewart. Or, as the inmates like to call her, "The Bachelorette”!

Jessica Simpson has won the role of Daisy Duke in the upcoming "Dukes of Hazzard” movie. They say it’s a really smart script, but Jessica’s going to do it anyway.

The first baseball game has just been played in Iraq. I don’t think they quite get the concept. Like a guy stole second and they cut off his feet.

The big basketball rumor – former NBA star Jayson Williams may come out of retirement and play again. You know he’d be perfect for? The Lakers. They need a good outside shooter.


John Kerry has been making changes to his campaign staff. Today he fired his wife and hired Heather Locklear.

Kerry has gotten rid of a bunch of people. He’s now brought in a bunch from the Clinton team. These Clinton guys are good! It’s amazing what they can do. The first thing they did for Kerry was get him a chubby intern.

Welcome to the show. I have a warning for everyone before we start. CBS can not vouch for the authenticity of these jokes.

I also have an announcement from Britney Spears. There will be no Sunday wedding this weekend. She has a bye week.

Martha Stewart wants to go to jail as soon as possible. Once she gets there she will be given a bar of soap which she will carve into a decorative bar of soap.


Happy Yom Kippur! Today is the day Jewish people ask for forgiveness for Barry Manilow.

CBS is getting bombarded with email asking to fire Dan Rather. Not surprisingly the only two people that want CBS to keep Dan Rather are Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Teresa: 'Where's the Bar?'

NewsMax: Tart-tongued Teresa Heinz has become famous for what she describes as her "opinionated" observations, which range from calling critics "idiots" and "scumbags" to telling reporters to "shove it."

But in private, the Pittsburgh billionairess sometimes just wants to relax and have fun.

Such was the case last weekend, when reporters caught up with Heinz and her presidential wannabe spouse outside a Boston restaurant.

Reported the Associated Press.

"Last Saturday night, they emerged from a Boston restaurant to face a waiting crowd of media and onlookers. Heinz Kerry, who says she is actually very shy, didn't seem so as she danced a little jig in the glow of the TV camera lights. ...

"The scene attracted onlookers on the sidewalks and some in passing cars who shouted words of encouragement to Kerry.

The couple recognized a few young reporters in one passing cab, and Heinz Kerry leaned in the window playfully asking, 'Where's the bar? Where's the bar?' as if she were going to join them."

The AP added, "Her husband finally pulled her away by the hand with a broad smile on his face."

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Allawi: 'Thank You, America'

Scary Kerry


John Kerry says if he’s elected president, he will go to the U.N. and persuade the other nations to help fight the War on Terror. We can’t get them to pay their parking tickets. Why don’t you start with that?

John Kerry will debate President Bush in Florida. Right now Kerry has a bad cold, you can barely understand what he’s saying, so it looks like it should be a fair fight.

In fact his voice is so bad, doctors have advised him to rest his throat and only give one position on each issue for awhile.

Last night John Kerry said George Bush was incompetent in handling of Iraq and President Bush said that John Kerry can’t make up his mind. You know what’s really scary - they’re both right.

Welcome to day four of "Britney Spears: Believe It or Not”.

As I’m sure you may have heard by now, "US Weekly” says that Britney Spears may have fooled people magazine with a fake wedding. Dan Rather is going "See? It could happen to anybody."

HBO has a big special this weekend. "Cat Stevens Live at Guantanamo Bay.”

The former singer Cat Stevens now know by his Islamic name Yusuf Islam, was questioned by the FBI after his plane to Washington was diverted because his name was on a government terror list. You know its bad enough our two candidates for president are stuck in the 70’s. Apparently so is airport security.

Yusuf Islam used to be Cat Stevens. I was thinking, Osama bin Laden was formerly known as Vanilla Ice.

Some sad news: the company that makes Twinkies has filed for chapter 11. The good news is they just made a fresh batch of Twinkies that should last til the year 2057.

If you do run out of Twinkies, you can actually go to the company’s website and they can show you how you can make your own Twinkies using a pack of hot-dog rolls and a caulking gun.

The pentagon now considering a new rule to court marshall any soldier who patronizes a prostitute while stationed overseas. So in other words, buy American. You don’t want to have a dishonorable discharge.

I watched the new "CSI” show and it was all about choking. No, wait. That was highlights of the last few Dodger games. I got confused.

Congratulations to our good friend Billy Joel, received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday. Quite an accomplishment. This is the first time that Billy’s been up on the sidewalk without his car.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Burkett: Lockhart Asked Me for Rathergate Documents

Former National Guard commander Bill Burkett has become the first player in the CBS forged document scandal to implicate John Kerry's presidential campaign, telling the Fort Worth Star Telegram that top Kerry aide Joe Lockhart pressed him to turn over damaging evidence on George Bush.

NewsMax: During a single phone conversation with Lockhart, Burkett told the Telegram that he suggested a "couple of concepts on what I thought (Kerry) had to do" to beat Bush.

In return, he said, Lockhart tried to "convince me as to why I should give them the documents."

Lockhart has staunchly denied that he ever discussed the forged documents with Burkett, though he confirmed that a conversation had indeed taken place in a call arranged by "60 Minutes" producer Mary Mapes.

But with Burkett now claiming otherwise, Republicans have their first evidence of Rathergate wrongdoing that directly implicates the Kerry campaign.

Burkett also complained that "60 Minutes" anchorman Dan Rather tried to set him up as a "fall guy" in the forged document scandal during his mea culpa broadcast on Monday.

He told the Telegram. "That's all that that evening news was - to find a fall guy. And it was me."

"Dan Rather ruined my reputation in front of 70 million people," he added.

Burkett's former lawyer said Tuesday that the controversial Guardsman was preparing a lawsuit against CBS.

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Pessimism Vs Optimism

Kerry Changes Again


That was in today’s "New York Times”, they said Saddam Hussein is depressed but defiant and still claims that he’s the constitutionally elected president of his country. So basically, he’s the Iraqi Al Gore.

Bush said, "We are determined to destroy terror networks wherever they operate.” Although by "terror network” it’s not clear if he meant al Qaeda or CBS.

You know about this, right? CBS now admits they were misled by an unreliable source. I believe his name was "Daniel Rather."

We all know Dan Rather, now being called the man who put the ‘BS’ in CBS.

There are rumors that Dan Rather could lose his job over this. Wouldn’t that be ironic? Another American losing his job due to President Bush.

Well it is now officially fall – it’s hard to believe it’s officially fall. That’s what I miss back east – the fall colors. See it’s so different out here in Los Angeles. See out here when we have bright orange, yellow, and reds, it just means all the trees are on fire.

Ralph Nader’s campaign officials say that he is on the ballot in 29 states. Twenty-nine states. Thirty-one states if you count hopelessness and delusion.

Saddam Hussein is now reportedly depressed and begging for mercy. You know I didn’t even know he was a Mets fan.

"US Weekly” says that Britney Spears may have faked her wedding. How ‘bout that – Britney Spears can fool the American public, but Dan Rather can’t.

For the first time ever an organized baseball game was played in Iraq. I’m glad there wasn’t a chair throwing incident like the one that happened in San Francisco. Cause the last thing you want to see is the Shiite hit the fan.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Bloggers Plans To Target CNN's Hemmer and Cafferty

Georgia (Internet Media):
On the CNN's "American Morning" show that Aired September 21, 2004 - 07:00 ET, Jack Cafferty said many times: Why can't anybody vouch for his whereabouts during portions of his service in the Alabama Guard unit? (See CNN's Transcript)

He then starts reading emails like this:

Paul in Canada Beach, question, "How did the president get an honorable discharge from his National Guard duty when nobody has come forward to admit ever serving with him in Alabama?

Next to Jack Cafferty was Bill Kemmer, who had on Feb 16th, 2004 interviewed Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun Fmr. Alabama Air National Guardsman. (See Transcript)

HEMMER: Tell us when you saw then Lieutenant Bush in Alabama?

CALHOUN: OK, it was either May or June. We had received a call from his commander, asking if he could make his drills with us. My boss there, Colonel Tarmsee brought him in, told him he was going to be there, and he actually reported in to me.

He signed in on each drill. And a drill weekend was two days, a Saturday and Sunday. He would show up at 8:00, like he was supposed to. He signed in. He stayed there all day, and signed out, and he did that both days. And this was up through October, which as best I could remember would have been the last drill.

On Feb 13th, 2004 USAToday Wrote:

Former Guardsman: Bush served with me in Alabama

"I saw him each drill period," retired Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from Daytona Beach, Fla.

"He was very aggressive about doing his duty there. He never complained about it.... He was very dedicated to what he was doing in the Guard. He showed up on time and he left at the end of the day."

Bill Kemmer showed his lack of character by not correcting Cafferty. Even after many emails from bloggers during the show, Jack Cafferty continued to lie about Bush's Alabama Guard Duty.

Remember, CBS's Dan Rather:

The Day the "Blogosphere" Took Down CBS News

CBS mess shows bloggers are Big Bang of Information Age

Bloggers everywhere are looking at American Morning Transcripts and will launch a full attack soon. Not just on this story, but many other times when Hemmer and Cafferty has lied. (Lying is when you repeat an untruth, knowing at the time that it is not True).

Bloggers everywhere will continue to examine every word, every sentence, every story and every forged document.

A WARNING TO LIBERAL MEDIA: Stop lying, stop spinning and start telling the truth (The Whole Truth) or you will go down also. We are here to stay and we are gaining in numbers every day.

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More great pictures from You. The new website "Pictures Of The Day", will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

President Bush and Calder Clay

Dan, Everyone Else Is Laughing


At his big press conference John Kerry introduced his four point plan for Iraq. That was one point for each of his positions.

Bush and Kerry have agreed to three debates. The first debate will cover the 1960’s and the second debate the early 70’s and in the third debate if there’s time, some topical issues.

They say John Kerry has already begun preparing for the debates. He's thinking of starting off by having his wife buy everyone in the audience a new car.

John Kerry is also going to appear on Dr. Phil’s show this week and not to be outdone, John Edwards is taping an episode of "Where Are They Now?”

I’m sure you heard the big news, a mistake in judgment was finally admitted to today. But enough about the Britney Spears marriage!!

Welcome to day four of the Britney Spears marriage marathon!

How many had 60 hours in the office pool?

Well folks, the ratings are in and the Emmys did not do well at all. In fact, they were actually beaten by "60 Minutes”. How amazing is that? A show where everybody is fake or phony and self-righteous beating out the Emmys.

CBS news issued a statement today that said this will be the last time they buy documents off of Ebay.

This morning President Bush spoke to the United Nations. A little later John Kerry spoke at a live press conference that was seen around the world. And then Ralph Nader spoke to some people who were having lunch next to him at the International House of Pancakes.

In a big press conference, Martha Stewart announced she is ready for prison. So apparently she already has her Christmas shopping done!

Some sad news – "Home Alone” star MaCaulay Culkin was arrested in Oklahoma City for possession of marijuana and drugs without a prescription. I hope this won’t reflect poorly on other former child actors.

They say this could be the last season for "The West Wing”. Imagine that? So next year liberals won’t even be in control of the fake White House.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

CBS's Dan Rather Jokes

(See Photo) Dan, Everyone Else Is Laughing

Rush: Is this bigger than Dan Rather? We can sit here, we can start making fun of this... and that is the next thing to happen. People are going to start making jokes about it, and they're going to be really funny jokes here and that's going to make the people at CBS even angrier.


Let’s see what’s going on over at CBS News. CBS as of today which stands for "can’t backup story”.

Dan Rather admitted that he was misled about the authenticity of those documents. Dan was furious. In fact today he was talking about that 86 yr-old former Texas National Guard Secretary and he said, "The bitch set me up!”

Last night of course was the Emmy Awards. HBO won 32. NBC took home 8. And CBS News gave back 4.

Happy "TGIF” everybody – or as Republicans call it "thank God it’s a forgery”.

That was the big head in the "New York Times” said the CBS memos are "fake but accurate.” Fake but accurate? They’re like breasts in California. "Fake but accurate.

CBS has a new slogan, "truth, you can't handle the truth!"

Today Dan Rather got some bad news, he's being investigated by "60 Minutes”.

On "60 Minutes” the other night Dan Rather interviewed the 86 year old former Texas National Guard Secretary. And Mike Wallace was furious. In fact he complained to "60 Minutes” producers, "How come Rather always gets to interview the hot chicks?!

Here’s some good news - unemployment is down to 5.4% but a lot of people are still looking for jobs. If you’re looking for a job in TV, I understand "60 Minutes” needs a fact checker.

CBS News has a new slogan…."it seems real to us.”

The big story this week continues to be these forged documents that turned up on "60 Minutes”. Or, as the Democrats call them, weapons of mass "distraction”!

As I’m sure you know, there was speculation now that someone may have intentionally duped Dan Rather and "60 Minutes” cast by passing them forged documents. Don’t you hate to see these scams that target the elderly? It is wrong!

I think Dan’s getting a little desperate. Like today he produced another witness. This time he brought out "Joan of Arcadia” and she said that god told her the documents were real.

Dan Rather finally acknowledged there are "unanswered questions.” The last time they had this many "unanswered questions” on a TV show, Jessica Simpson was on "Jeopardy”.

I don’t know what the big deal is about these phony documents, I mean the last election we had phony documents too. Remember in Florida they were called ballots.

A lot of new shows premiering this week. CBS has a new news magazine coming out….it’s called "Dan Rather’s Believe It or Not”.

You all know CBS, which stands for "Can't Believe Story”.

There seems to be more and more evidence that those documents about George Bush’s time in the National Guard that they showed on "60 Minutes” might be fake. In fact, on nightline, Ted Koppel said the Kerry campaign put this stuff out forgeries would be "unbelievably stupid.” You know what this means? Bush is the smart one.

Let’s see what’s going on at CBS News.

I guess you’re familiar with these allegations that the bush National Guard records displayed on "60 Minutes” were fake. Hey, as long as we’re cracking down on fake stuff on "60 Minutes”, how about somebody looks into Mike Wallace’s hair? The guy is 86, it’s jet black! How did that happen?

Actually new documents surfaced proving that President Bush did not fulfill his National Guard service. CBS said they know they’re new because they were just printed over the weekend.

Did you hear this? "60 minutes” has a new policy. From now on they're going to spend at least "60 minutes” verifying their stories.

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. The new website "Pictures Of The Day", will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

I Will Vote For This Dud

Can America Afford John Kerry


Opposite the Emmys, NBC showed "Titanic”. I saw a ship coming down, I thought it was the Kerry campaign.

President Bush still continuing to lead in the polls. In fact when John Kerry was told the latest poll numbers, he called President Clinton again. Not for advice, just to make sure he had his vote. "You’re still with me right?”

Did you know John Kerry is going to be appearing on "Dr. Phil” next week. Is that how bad his campaign is going? He needs grief counseling now?

What happened to John Edwards? You know, I thought you weren’t supposed to go into your secret location until after you’re vice president.

Let’s see what’s going on over at CBS News. CBS as of today which stands for "can’t backup story”.

Dan Rather admitted that he was misled about the authenticity of those documents. Dan was furious. In fact today he was talking about that 86 yr-old former Texas National Guard Secretary and he said, "The bitch set me up!”

Last night of course was the Emmy Awards. HBO won 32. NBC took home 8. And CBS News gave back 4.

Anybody watch TV Saturday night? I was watching the opening of the new Hooters in Atlantic City, no I’m sorry that was the Miss America Pageant.

Did you see the new swimsuits at the Miss America Pageant? Is it me or is this gig just a brass pole and a two drink minimum away from being a strip club?

Congratulations to Miss California who won the talent competition. Her talent staying a virgin in California for 22 years.

Congratulations this weekend to Britney Spears – not for getting married, for staying married so long. What is it 52 hours now?! Just a couple of hours from breaking the old 55 hour record. I think these kids are going to make it.

She married Kevin Federline who was her backup dancers, and apparently here backup husband as well.

Britney sent out wedding invitations, but only to her closest friends. Well they weren’t really invitations. It’s like a season pass. You’ll get into all the 2004 weddings. Any of the weddings up until January, you are in! Walk right up. Don’t even show anything.

Here’s an odd story - The Church of England is now sponsoring some kind of reality show called "Priest Idol”. I’m not making this up. It’s a reality show with priests, "Priest Idol”. That beats the original title "I’m an alter boy - get me out of here!”


Are you following the controversy here at CBS News? It’s nasty. There was the memos about President Bush’s National Guard service. And then it turned out that they were forged. CBS says that they were mislead in a colossal hoax. Coincidentally that’s the same thing they said in hiring me.

Last night was the annual Emmy Awards. You just got to love the Emmy Awards. Personally I think it’s about time these TV stars got some recognition.

The security at the Emmy’s was tighter than Star Jones dress.

The Emmy’s this year were so boring that I thought I was hosting.

The award for best supporting actress went to Mrs. McGreevey.

Award for best technical achievement went to Donald Trump’s hair.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Kerry Sets a Record: 14 Flip-Flops in One Speech

At least no one can say Kerry is two-faced. He has so many more faces than that.(See Photo)

Sen. John Kerry set some kind of record today in a speech to his fellow leftists at New York University. The Republican National Committee counted 14 flip-flops on Iraq.

NewsMax: Among the more egregious of the tragicomic whoppers noted:

Kerry now claims the "most important task" is to win the "war on terrorism." Yet Kerry, speaking to his pets at the New York Times in March, refused to call the war on terror a war, RNC recalled.

Kerry then: "The final victory in the war on terror depends on a victory in the war of ideas, much more than the war on the battlefield. And the war - not the war, I don’t want to use that terminology."

Kerry now claims Iraq was a "diversion from" the war on terror. On Dec. 15 he said: "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror."

Kerry now claims Saddam Hussein's evil was not enough to justify war. Here's what he said in a speech July 29, 2002:

"I agree completely with this administration’s goal of a regime change in Iraq – Saddam Hussein is a renegade and outlaw who turned his back on the tough conditions of his surrender put in place by the United Nations in 1991."

Kerry now claims Saddam’s "downfall … has left America less secure." Oopsy: Here's his anti-Dean, anti-Saddam stand in December 2003, according to Newsday:

"Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe we are not safer with his capture, don’t have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be elected president."

Kerry now claims the decision to go into Iraq was a "colossal" failure. Yet on Aug. 9, Kerry said that had he known then what he knew now, he would still have voted for the use-of-force resolution, according to CNN:

"Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it's the right authority for a president to have. But I would have used that authority as I have said throughout this campaign, effectively."

Kerry now claims Saddam was not a "threat to our security." Here's what he said in January 2003, according to the L.A. Times: "If you don't believe … Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn't vote for me."

Kerry now claims Saddam's "capability to acquire weapons" was not reason enough for war. Yet according to the Congressional Record of Oct. 9, 2002, he called those who would leave the Iraqi dictator alone "naive to the point of grave danger."

And so on and so forth.

At least no one can say Kerry is two-faced. He has so many more faces than that.

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. The new website "Pictures Of The Day", will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

Sensitive War On Terror

The Kerry Kampaign

Kerry Bumper Stickers

(Sent to Us By Martha Harrison)

Vietnam War Hero - But For Which Side?

Whatever you believe, I do, too - Kerry '04

John Kerry - Saying Whatever It Takes To Get Your Vote

John Kerry Won't Just Take A Stand On The Tough Issues -
He'll Take Two Or Three Of Them

John Kerry: Betraying America Since 1971

John Kerry: Al Gore But Without The Charisma

John Kerry: Screwing Veterans One Day At A Time

John Kerry: When you absolutely, positively
HAVE to lose the war on terrorism overnight!

Waffles And Ketchup Anyone?

Don't vote for anyone who looks like a Q-Tip

Endorsed by Al-Qaeda, Al-Jazeera, and Al-Gore

Everything To Everyone - Kerry 2004

Help Me To Help You Screw Up America

John Kerry: The President Dukakis We Never Had

Keeping too much of your own money? Vote Kerry!

Kerry - Anti-Pro-whatever

Kerry - Citizen of the United Nations

Kerry - The same economy as Clinton, without the burning sensation.

Kerry: Catholic When It Counts!

More Positions Than Gumby

More Waffles than Belgium

On the issues, he's everywhere you want him to be

There are some things money can't buy.
For everything else, there's Teresa.

These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others.

You decide, I agree - Vote Kerry

Thanks to Martha Harrison Of Utah

Monday, September 20, 2004

ABC's Stephanopoulos's Sr. Producer Helps 'Set The Records Straight'

After a personal phone call and a large number of emails, Richard Harris Sr. Producer and our group has come to an agreement.

George Stephanopoulos at the end of his August 5th "This Week" Show, said, "We had 7 Soldiers Killed in Iraq Last Week".

On Monday, September 06, 2004, we wrote:
Stephanopoulos Lies Again About The Casualties In Iraq

After the email from Richard Harris,

On Wednesday, September 08, 2004, we wrote:
ABC's Stephanopoulos's Sr. Producer Said We Are "Beneath Contempt"

Next Richard gave us his source: The U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), News Releases (Click Here)

After changing our calendar so the week now starts on Monday Aug 30th and ends on Sunday Sep 5th, their were 7 Casualties in Iraq.

So, George Stephanopoulos and his Sr. Producer Richard Harris did not lie. (You can only lie when you repeat a untruth, knowing at the time that it is not True).

For Richard Harris to boldly defend George Stephanopoulos and his show "This Week", speaks volumes about their character.

We have never had a producer defend so boldly as Richard Harris did. This is honorable. Richard has gained our respect.

Next time you view the show "This Week", when George is talking about casualties in Iraq, his face is not being shown. So George is not smiling when giving the casualty report.

Their are still 3 sets of numbers Department of Defense (9 Casualties), ABC's "In Honor Of" (8 Casualties) and United States Cental Command (2 Casualties).

Richard Harris said: We are not responsible for any numbers other than what comes out of George's mouth. The folks at ABCNEWS.COM are responsible for their own website.

CBS's Dan Rather, CNN's Crossfire and many others in the Mainstream Liberal Media should follow the example of George Stephanopoulos and his Sr. Producer Richard Harris.

If not, Bloggers everywhere will continue to examine every word, every sentence, every story and every forged document until we bring them down.

The Day the "Blogosphere" Took Down CBS News

CBS mess shows bloggers are Big Bang of Information Age

A WARNING TO LIBERAL MEDIA: Stop lying, stop spinning and start telling the truth (The Whole Truth) or you will go down also. We are here to stay and we are gaining in numbers every day.

Next, we need to get the Democratic Party to start telling the truth. If they do not, Democrats will continue to lose credibility with the honest people in America.

Read more on this subject in Related Hot Topics:

The Lifelike Corpse is CBS's Reputation

Begala's False Attack On Bush's Alabama Guard Duty

Sunday, September 19, 2004

CBS Radio Host Fired After Criticizing Rather

NewsMax: A talk host at the CBS Radio Network's Seattle affiliate was fired just days after he called for CBS anchorman Dan Rather to resign or be fired for airing forged military records in a bid to hurt President Bush's reelection chances.

"I said I felt Rather should either retire or be forced out over this," former KIRO-AM radio host Brian Maloney told the Associated Press. "I really felt he was taking the network's credibility down with him."

But KIRO execs apparently felt that Maloney crossed the line.
"What they have expressed is essentially that my show went in a direction they're not comfortable with," explained the canned Seattle talker, whose weekly broadcast had been heard on KIRO for three years.

Maloney said he was a bit surprised at the sharp reaction to his candor.

"Talk-show hosts have generally had a lot of independence in these kinds of issues," he told the AP. "Nobody's ever said, 'You can't criticize CBS News.'"

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. The new website "Pictures Of The Day", will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

Kiss Cat

Have A Break, Have a Kit-Kat


Happy "TGIF” everybody – or as Republicans call it "thank God it’s a forgery”.

That was the big head in the "New York Times” said the CBS memos are "fake but accurate.” Fake but accurate? They’re like breasts in California. "Fake but accurate.

CBS has a new slogan, "truth, you can't handle the truth!"

Today Dan Rather got some bad news, he's being investigated by "60 Minutes”.

On "60 Minutes” the other night Dan Rather interviewed the 86 year old former Texas National Guard Secretary. And Mike Wallace was furious. In fact he complained to "60 Minutes” producers, "How come Rather always gets to interview the hot chicks?!

Happy New Year! Rosh Hashanah! If you’re Jewish, happy New Year! The year is 5765. Today President Bush was asked again where he was when he was in the guard in May of 1973. And he said "How am I supposed to remember May of 1973. That was 3,732 years ago!”

Yesterday John Kerry was in Las Vegas, George Bush was there Tuesday, and Ralph Nader will be in Vegas tomorrow. He’s not addressing anyone, he’s just going to the star trek experience at the Vegas Hilton!

The word is Ralph Nader will be on the ballot in Florida. Yeah, lot of good it did al gore.

You know I saw a picture of John Edwards today. It was on the side of a carton of milk. What’s happened to this guy?

Anybody seen Edwards, he’s dropped out of sight. It's like he's already vice president. Where is this guy?

Yesterday Dick Cheney was campaigning in Reno, Nevada and actually did some gambling. He gambled! He had bacon and eggs and tried to walk up a whole flight of stairs.

Martha Stewart said that she wants to go to prison as soon as possible so she could be out in time to plant her spring garden. She also asked that the time she spent in K-Mart be counted as time served.

ABC and ESPN, which are both part of the Disney family, are combining forces on a new reality show. It’s called "extreme makeover at the ballpark”. You go to a baseball game and sit near the Texas Rangers’ bullpen and they’ll give you a nose job with a folding chair.

According to "Glamour” magazine breast size has gone up the last 4 years. The average breasts size has gone up one full cup size in 4 years. This is the platform Bush should be running on. Breasts have gotten bigger under his administration. So we are better off than we were 4 years ago. This could get democrats to vote for him. "Four more years….let’s go up, one more cup!”

Bobby Brown is coming out with a new reality show….it’s called "Being Bobby Brown”. Which is better than the original title: "Beating Whitney Houston”.

It’s kind of a shock - Barbara Walters is retiring from "20/20”. And even more surprising - the reason she’s retiring? She wants to go smoke pot with Ricky Williams.

Michael Jackson was in court, facing the mother of the boy he’s accused of molesting. I don't think he helped his case any when he said, "Which one was your kid?

Saturday, September 18, 2004

White House: Kerry Campaign Behind Forged Rathergate Docs

As evidence of Democratic Party involvement, McClellan cited a new ad sponsored by the Democratic National Committee, which featured clips from Rather's forged document report, along with visuals of what appear to be copies of the forgeries themselves.

NewsMax: Reacting for the first time since the Rathergate forged document scandal erupted last week, the White House denounced CBS News yesterday for launching "an orchestrated attack" on President Bush - and said the Kerry campaign was part of it.

Asked directly whether the forged documents came from Democrats or the Kerry campaign, McClellan stated flatly "I believe that the Democrats and the Kerry campaign are behind these old, recycled attacks on the president's service, absolutely."

Asked whether CBS should be banned from future White House press briefings because it used forged documents to "malign the president," McClellan declined to respond.

Later aboard Air Force One, McClellan chastised CBS for airing a report based on forgeries, saying, "I thinks it's always best for journalists to stick to reporting the facts."

Read more on this subject in Related Hot Topics:

Two Stories on Bill Burkett

If Rather is partisan, say bye to CBS's reputation

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. We have started a new website "Pictures Of The Day." This will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

58,000 Vietnam War Criminals

The Only Vietnam War Hero


Bush and Cheney say they are targeting people who can’t make up their mind. So they’re hoping to get John Kerry’s vote.

Senator Ted Kennedy hitting the campaign trail with John Kerry. You know what they say – two huge heads are better than one.

In Vegas today Kerry accused Bush of "living in a fantasy world.” And everyone in Vegas immediately said, "So? Duh!”

Here’s some trivia - the TV show "Green Acres” debuted on this day in 1965. It was a very funny show about a stuffy pompous lawyer and his rich wife with the foreign accent. Or as John Kerry and his wife call them, trailblazers.

Here’s some good news - unemployment is down to 5.4% but a lot of people are still looking for jobs. If you’re looking for a job in TV, I understand "60 Minutes” needs a fact checker.

CBS News has a new slogan…."it seems real to us.”

The big story this week continues to be these forged documents that turned up on "60 Minutes”. Or, as the Democrats call them, weapons of mass "distraction”!

As I’m sure you know, there was speculation now that someone may have intentionally duped Dan Rather and "60 Minutes” cast by passing them forged documents. Don’t you hate to see these scams that target the elderly? It is wrong!

I think Dan’s getting a little desperate. Like today he produced another witness. This time he brought out "Joan of Arcadia” and she said that god told her the documents were real.

Dan Rather finally acknowledged there are "unanswered questions.” The last time they had this many "unanswered questions” on a TV show, Jessica Simpson was on "Jeopardy”.

I don’t know what the big deal is about these phony documents, I mean the last election we had phony documents too. Remember in Florida they were called ballots.

What a crowd! You sound like servants at Martha Stewart’s house today when she announced she was going to prison! Five months off!

As I’m sure you know – Martha will be going to women’s federal penitentiary or as she calls it, "Trading Spaces: Meet Your New Mommy.”

Did you see Martha’s press conference? She said when she goes to jail she will miss her dogs, cats, canaries horses and chickens. That’s gotta make her daughter feel special? She didn’t even make the top five! Can’t you squeeze her in between the canary and the chicken.

You know, I don’t think Martha gets it. She still has the little kind of arrogant thing. Like today she asked the judge if she could have two cells, so she could have a walk in closet.

Hey, Saturday, the Miss America Pageant. This year the organizers are promising more skin and less talent. Less talent? Is that possible? Turning a lamp on and off to music? We’re not going to see that this year?

Today Oprah announced her selection for her latest book in her book club. It’s the General Motors Pontiac Repair Manual.

Friday, September 17, 2004

The Lifelike Corpse is CBS's Reputation

The lifelike corpse is CBS's reputation. And it's not looking all that lifelike anymore...

James Lileks: Fake But Accurate

In any case, the whole “fake but accurate” line shows how tone-deaf these people are; it’s like saying a body in a pine box is “dead but lifelike.”

It boggles, it really does: the story is true, the evidence is faked, but the evidence reflects the evidence we have not yet presented that proves our conclusion... we’re telling the truth.

They just can’t give it up; they just can’t say the memos were typed by the guy in the “Dude, you’re getting a Dell!” commercial and leave it be, because that that puts the knife in the story regardless of what happened. So they keep going.

Look. They’re fake. CBS screwed the pooch on this one. They pursued the story for years, and in the end they lost perspective, just as lousy pilots become disoriented in bad weather and think they’re flying level when they’re actually heading down at a 45 degree angle.

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. We have started a new website "Pictures Of The Day." This will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

Fishing With Friends

Who's Fishing?


John Kerry campaigned in Wisconsin today. It was reported he had a huge cheese head on. Turns out that was his actual head.

As you know, we've been having some wild weather, and that could affect the vote on Election Day. For example: if there's a hurricane in Texas, Kerry could win. If there's a rainstorm in Massachusetts, Bush could win. And if it "snows in hell”, Ralph Nader will win.

A lot of new shows premiering this week. CBS has a new news magazine coming out….it’s called "Dan Rather’s Believe It or Not”.

You all know CBS, which stands for "Can't Believe Story”.

There seems to be more and more evidence that those documents about George Bush’s time in the National Guard that they showed on "60 Minutes” might be fake. In fact, on nightline, Ted Koppel said the Kerry campaign put this stuff out forgeries would be "unbelievably stupid.” You know what this means? Bush is the smart one.

President Bush addressed National Guard troops at the National Guard Association in Las Vegas. President Bush told the troops he’s proud of his time in the national guard, he said it was the best weekend of his life. He couldn’t believe it. Two days of partying.

He refused to answer any questions about his military service saying, "what happens in the National Guard, stays in the National Guard”.

Anybody going to the Anaheim Angels and Texas Rangers game this weekend? A lot of good seats are still available. If you can’t find a seat just yell into the ranger bullpen, they’ll through one up for you.

I guess you all know that story – Texas reliever Frank Francisco threw a chair into the stands, hit a guy in the head and broke a woman’s nose. Here’s my question – if a chair does go into the stands, is that like a foul ball? Do you get to keep it? Do you take it home? Have the guy sign it.

I guess you hear about what Oprah did during the taping of her show? She gave everybody in her studio audience a free car. I want to take this moment to thank Oprah Winfrey for making the rest of us look like cheap bastards!

Did you see what they did on the Jerry Springer show today? Everybody in his audience got a free mullet.

Governor Schwarzenegger has passed a new law - it is now illegal in California to have sex with a corpse. There goes tipper gore’s weekend.

I’m glad it’s now illegal to have sex with a corpse in California. I tell you that forest lawn was turning into a real meat market.


The big story today is Martha Stewart. She had a press conference saying that she wants to serve her jail term as soon as possible and that she wants to serve it in Florida. When the people of Florida heard this they said, "We’re tired of fleeing the area!”

The other night at a Texas Rangers game a pitcher threw a chair into the stands. He was convicted to six months of being a part of the Jerry Springer audience.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Rather Will Handcuff Himself To His Set

Rush: We had a caller in the last hour... She was just convinced CBS was going to get out of this by throwing Dan Rather overboard. I said, "You're dreaming, Gwen.

That's not going to happen. Before that happens Rather will handcuff himself to the set and he'll put a bomb, strap a bomb to his waist and threaten to blow up the whole place if they take him out." (See Photo)

Well, the image of Dan Rather handcuffed to the set with a bomb threatening to take out the whole CBS complex if they throw him overboard is inspiring other people to come up with other scenarios.

Like this afternoon...(laughing). This afternoon Dan Rather in a white Ford Bronco driving on the West Side Highway chased by news crews from all the local TV stations in New York, CBS and Fox, and Rather has the bomb strapped on himself inside the white Bronco, and he's on the phone and says, "You have 60 Minutes to meet my demands and give my back my job."

Yeah, this is the next thing. People are going to start laughing at 'em now.

Crackin' Dan Has History of Shoddy Reporting

Rush: It's amazing that this happens to CBS and Dan Rather, because they have become what they hated. They have become what they hated. The cover-up is worse than the crime.

Is this bigger than Dan Rather? We can sit here, we can start making fun of this... and that is the next thing to happen. People are going to start making jokes about it, and they're going to be really funny jokes here and that's going to make the people at CBS even angrier.

Read more on this subject in Related Hot Topics:

The Original Rathergate

CBS In Über-Denial

Update #1:

A lot of new shows premiering this week. CBS has a new news magazine coming out….it’s called "Dan Rather’s Believe It or Not”.

You all know CBS, which stands for "Can't Believe Story”.

There seems to be more and more evidence that those documents about George Bush’s time in the National Guard that they showed on "60 Minutes” might be fake. In fact, on nightline, Ted Koppel said the Kerry campaign put this stuff out- forgeries would be "unbelievably stupid.” You know what this means? Bush is the smart one.

Update #2:

Here’s some good news - unemployment is down to 5.4% but a lot of people are still looking for jobs. If you’re looking for a job in TV, I understand "60 Minutes” needs a fact checker.

CBS News has a new slogan…."it seems real to us.”

The big story this week continues to be these forged documents that turned up on "60 Minutes”. Or, as the Democrats call them, weapons of mass "distraction”!

As I’m sure you know, there was speculation now that someone may have intentionally duped Dan Rather and "60 Minutes” cast by passing them forged documents. Don’t you hate to see these scams that target the elderly? It is wrong!

I think Dan’s getting a little desperate. Like today he produced another witness. This time he brought out "Joan of Arcadia” and she said that god told her the documents were real.

Dan Rather finally acknowledged there are "unanswered questions.” The last time they had this many "unanswered questions” on a TV show, Jessica Simpson was on "Jeopardy”.

Pictures Of The Day

More great pictures from You. We have started a new website "Pictures Of The Day." This will give us a place to share your pictures with others.

Pictures Worth A Thousand Words #1

Pictures Worth A Thousand Words #2


Boy there is nothing but disasters on the news – Hurricane Frances, Hurricane Ivan, the Kerry campaign.

According to the latest crime statistics, crime in the U.S. is at a 30 year low. It’s the lowest it’s been since 1972. Today John Kerry blamed this on President Bush. He said, "See even criminals are having a hard time finding jobs to pull off.”

Let’s start out with the big political news – all the bickering, the name calling, the endless lying back and forth. Isn’t it great having Hillary and Bill back in the news again.

As you know, President Clinton is out of the hospital. He returned home over the weekend. He must feel like that guy in the movie "misery”. Clinton’s stuck in bed, being taken care of by Hillary. She’s got that big hammer and she’s not going to be hitting him in the foot.

Let’s see what’s going on at CBS News.

I guess you’re familiar with these allegations that the bush National Guard records displayed on "60 Minutes” were fake. Hey, as long as we’re cracking down on fake stuff on "60 Minutes”, how about somebody looks into Mike Wallace’s hair? The guy is 86, it’s jet black! How did that happen?

Actually new documents surfaced proving that President Bush did not fulfill his National Guard service. CBS said they know they’re new because they were just printed over the weekend.

Dick Cheney says that the economic numbers do not take into consideration all the people who make money on Ebay. Cheney said 400,000 people make money on Ebay. Well sure, after they lose their jobs, they have to sell their cars, and their jewelry.

One million Cubans are trying to flee the island. Not from the hurricane. They try that every Tuesday. Tuesday…let’s get the hell out of here day.

Free chair night at the Oakland A’s game. At an Oakland A’s game, a Texas Rangers relief pitcher Frank "The Chair” Francisco, he got annoyed at the crowd and threw a chair into the stands. It hit one guy in the head and broke a woman’s nose. He was taken into custody and immediately booked on the "Jerry Springer Show”.

Hey, Kev, what do you call 276 very angry people? Oprah’s audience!

On Oprah’s show she gave her audience brand new cars as part of her "wildest dreams come true” theme. We have something similar here tonight. It’s called "keep dreaming!”

And of course the audience was thrilled they all get cars. Then someone asked, "Do we get a free tank of gas?” And then Oprah said, "Hey, I’m not made of money. Give me a break.”

Did you see what Maury Povich gave his audience? Free cinderblocks for the cars in their front yard.

The number one movie in the country is "Resident Evil: The Apocalypse.” Which I believe is Michael Moore’s second film on President Bush.

Playboy.com is planning a women of McDonald’s issue. Naked women and McDonald’s. This is like Bill Clinton’s dream come true, isn’t it?


In England a man dressed as Batman was arrested for climbing the wall to Buckingham Palace. Sadly the man was Val Kilmer.

The average age of a Viagra user is getting younger and younger. In fact Pfizer is now selling Viagra in Pez dispensers.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Phony $50,000 For Proof of Bush Service

(CNN) -- The founder of the group Texans for Truth said Tuesday that he is offering $50,000 to anyone who can prove President Bush fulfilled his service requirements, including required duties and drills, in the Alabama Air National Guard in 1972.

Send a copy of Bush's Honorable Discharge from the National Guard and you will get $50,000.

We have someone who can prove that Bush served with him in Alabama Air National Guard in 1972, Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun.

We knew this Phony Offer was coming, so yesterday we wrote the article:

Begala's False Attack On Bush's Alabama Guard Duty

CNN CROSSFIRE - Aired February 13, 2004 - 16:30 ET

NOVAK: Well, wait a minute. You don't answer my questions. This colonel appears. He says he saw the guy, he was -- he was deputy commander of the unit. Case closed. This is over. We've got a witness.

Former Guardsman: Bush served with me in Alabama

A retired Alabama Air National Guard officer said Friday that he remembers George Bush showing up for duty in Alabama in 1972, reading safety magazines and flight manuals in an office as he performed his weekend obligations.

"I saw him each drill period," retired Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from Daytona Beach, Fla.

"He was very aggressive about doing his duty there. He never complained about it.... He was very dedicated to what he was doing in the Guard. He showed up on time and he left at the end of the day."

Yesterday on CNN Crossfire Paul Begala said: Now, Bob, there's a new group out of patriotic Americans called Texans For Truth. I'm a Texan. I'm for the truth. I'm not part of the group, though.

But they put out today a $50,000 reward. And, of course, nobody has claimed it, because nobody can prove that they served with President then Lieutenant Bush in the Alabama Guard.

Wrong again (I'm for the truth) Paul Begala!

Take a look at the Phony Offer: The Texans for Truth Web site (Click Here) From the 3 page General Disclaimer:

Texans for Truth is offering a reward of $50,000 for original information proving whether George W. Bush performed duties in the Air National Guard...

Texans for Truth is looking for new, original information concerning George W. Bush’s performance of military duty, or lack thereof, between May 1972 and May 1973.

To be eligible, the information must not have been previously disclosed to the media (including television, radio, cable, Internet, and print publications).

Eligible Information must be comprised of legal and competent evidence that would be admissible in a court of law.

The following individuals are ineligible to receive the reward: (1) officers or employees of any political party or political campaign; (2) full- and part-time employees of the media including, but not limited to, the print media, television, cable, radio, and the Internet.

The final determination as to which person or persons shall be eligible to receive part or all of this reward shall be left to Texans for Truth.

Texans for Truth reserves the right... to terminate this Reward Offer at an earlier date at its sole discretion.

Can you see through this Phony Offer? Make an offer and then set the rules so nobody can meet them.

BOB WALKER (R), FORMER U.S. CONGRESSMAN: Paul, isn't it a new low point in American politics that we now have cash for trash.


Today John Kerry’s unveiled his newest campaign slogan... "A mind is a terrible thing to makeup.”

One thing about Kerry - Kerry just can’t seem to shake his rich guy image. Like today he challenged President Bush to three debates and a yacht race.

Did you hear this? "60 minutes” has a new policy. From now on they're going to spend at least "60 minutes” verifying their stories.

On Friday former President Bill Clinton went home from the hospital. Well, let me explain, he left the hospital on Friday, he didn’t get home until this morning. Hillary thinks he’s still there.

I guess he’s a great patient. He’s a nice man, Mr. Clinton. People who work at the hospital were excited, they were happy... in fact, many of the nurses said the former president really left his mark.

You know I’m not sure if our Homeland Security has improved that much. Like today the CIA called the State of Florida and said, "There might be a hurricane heading your way.”

In fact winds were so strong in Cuba, they actually blew some guys who couldn’t play baseball into America.

According to "Men’s Health” magazine, one in nine men claim they’ve been dumped by a woman because of their love for football. And nine out of ten of men dumped didn’t even know the women left until after the Super Bowl.

Tomorrow night on the AMC Network at 10 o’clock they have a documentary called "Republicans in Hollywood”. And then at 10:03, "Democrats in Hollywood” and that runs until 8:00 A.M.

"Republicans in Hollywood”. This is from the same director who brought you "Soul Brothers of Salt Lake City”. Big hit.

If you haven’t heard; Oprah Winfrey celebrated the first show of her 19th season by giving every member of the audience a new car. She gave away 276 cars. We’re doing something even better for our audience. Everybody here will get a picture of me standing next to my 276 cars.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Kerry: I'll 'Take On the Terrorists' With Gun Control

Presidential candidate John Kerry promised over the weekend that he would "take on the terrorists" who attacked the U.S. on 9/11 by forcing them to obey America's gun control laws.

NewsMax: Kerry said laws like the Assault Weapons Ban, which expires today, were valuable "not just to fight ordinary crime but to take on terrorists." And he complained that President Bush was "making the job of the terrorists easier" by not pushing for a renewal of the sweeping gun control law.

"The 9/11 commission and other reports have shown that al-Qaida wanted to come into America, and in the al-Qaida manual of terror, they were telling people to go out and buy assault weapons," Kerry told a crowd in Missouri.

The top Democrat did not explain why the Assault Weapons Ban failed to protect America against the 9/11 attacks, which were executed by al-Qaida operatives armed with small knives.

Nor did Kerry say how many terrorists had been arrested and charged with violations under the Assault Weapons Ban.

Begala's False Attack On Bush's Alabama Guard Duty

CNN CROSSFIRE- Aired September 10, 2004 - 16:30 ET

BEGALA: Governor (Gilmore)...Why is it, then, that nobody from Alabama, where says he served can remember ever serving with him? Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because he never served in Alabama?

JAMES GILMORE (R), FORMER VIRGINIA GOVERNOR: Here's the facts. He served faithfully and loyally in the National Guard. He was a flyer. He did his training for many, many weeks. He was there in proper service.

What is important is this. We have seen that the president has been a faithful, loyal, solid, steady commander in chief as president of the United States for the last four years. And that's why he's going to get reelected, because of the current service that he has had.

BEGALA: I'm sorry to interrupt...I need you to answer the question... But the question was, why do you suppose it is that this remarkable, personable young man who is remembered by everybody who met him says he served in Alabama, and not a single soul has come forward and said he served with him? I think it's a pretty conclusive proof that he didn't serve there, did he?

GILMORE: The fact is that all the records show that he served faithfully in the Guard. He was honorably discharged.

Governor Gilmore did not remember the name, Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun, but we did remember that "Bill" Calhoun came forward Feb 13th, 2004.

Former Guardsman: Bush served with me in Alabama

A retired Alabama Air National Guard officer said Friday that he remembers George Bush showing up for duty in Alabama in 1972, reading safety magazines and flight manuals in an office as he performed his weekend obligations.

"I saw him each drill period," retired Lt. Col. John "Bill" Calhoun said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from Daytona Beach, Fla.

"He was very aggressive about doing his duty there. He never complained about it.... He was very dedicated to what he was doing in the Guard. He showed up on time and he left at the end of the day."

CNN CROSSFIRE - Aired February 13, 2004 - 16:30 ET

NOVAK: Paul Begala and James Carville are AWOL today.

So, sitting in on the left is "Roll Call" columnist and democratic strategist Donna Brazile.

NOVAK: The White House has been taunted to come up with just one person who saw the president on National Guard duty in 1972.

Well, he appeared today. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Bill Calhoun told the Associated Press he remembers Bush fulfilling his training obligations in Alabama.

NOVAK: Well, will that shut up the Democratic smear artists?

BRAZILE: Well, Bob, first of all, we're glad to know that President Bush took great care of his teeth while in Alabama.

NOVAK: Well, wait a minute. This -- wait a minute. You don't answer my questions. This colonel appears. He says he saw the guy, he was -- he was deputy commander of the unit. Case closed. This is over. We've got a witness.


Back To CNN CROSSFIRE- Aired September 10, 2004 - 16:30 ET

BEGALA: Well, Governor, if he served with such distinction in the Alabama Guard, even though there's no record he showed up, why doesn't he do like Kerry and campaign with a band of brothers? Why doesn't George Bush show up with even one person who he served with in Alabama?

GILMORE: Because he is commander in chief.

If you look at everything that he has done and the faithful way he served in the last four years in charge of this military and faithfully protecting the people against terrorism and the attacks on this country, which are real.

Paul Begala and James Carville were AWOL that day. Did he watch his own show? Did he read a transcript of the Show? Did he read any papers or watch news that day? It was the story of that day.

We need another congressional hearing to look into this. (just kidding)

Why didn't Novak correct Paul Begala? It was Novak that said: Case closed. This is over. We've got a witness.

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