
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Robot Barber

(Sent to Us By Martha Harrison From Her Cousin Larry Wilkes)

A new barber shop opened in Troy and everybody was talking about it. The buzz is because it has a robot barber.

Well, you know ole Byron, he decides he has to see this for himself. So he goes in and sits in the chair. Sure enough, a robot is cutting hair. Byron specifies his cut style, and the robot asks him his IQ.

Byron replies 150. With that, the robot begins discussing particle physics, the development of hydrogen power cells and global warming.

Byron thought this was pretty impressive. But he wondered what would happen if he didn't claim to be quite as smart. So, a week later, he goes right back in there and climbs in the chair for another trim. Again, the robot asks him his IQ.

This time Byron tells him it's 100. So the robot starts discussing football, basketball and the proper way to grill a steak.

This was really something. And as always, Byron wants to know just how good this robot really is. Yep, you guessed it, the very next week Byron is in the chair getting what's left of his hair cut even shorter. (By this time his hair is almost gone.) Again, the robot asks him his IQ.

This time he tells the robot his IQ is 50. The robot asks, "So, are you Democrats excited about the Kerry-Edwards ticket?"

(Thanks to Martha Harrison Of Utah And Her Cousin Larry Wilkes)

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