Saturday, February 9, 2008
Ann Coulter: I'm a Hillary Girl
By: Philip V. Brennan
Because Republicans are nominating what she calls an "open-borders, anti-tax cut, anti-free speech, global-warming hysteric, pro-human experimentation 'Republican' — which is to say a Democrat," Ann Coulter's alternative to John McCain is either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
While the onetime "Goldwater girl" says she's deserting the GOP this time around, she doesn't exactly swoon over Hillary, warning that "If Hillary is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster," which is what Coulter wants because it would revive the GOP and win back the White House four years later.
"With Republicans ferociously opposing her," Ann says, it would bring "Republicans zooming back into power, as we did in 1980 and 1994, and 2000. I also predict more Oval Office incidents with female interns."
Hillary, however, is not the target of her newest column — It is John McCain she's after:
"As the expression goes, given a choice between a Democrat and a Democrat, voters will always choose the Democrat. The only question remaining is: Hillary or Obama?"
"On the litmus test issues of our time, only partially excluding Iraq, McCain is a liberal."
"He excoriated Samuel Alito as too 'conservative.'"
"He promoted amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants."
"He abridged citizens' free speech (in favor of the media) with McCain-Feingold."
"He hysterically opposes waterboarding terrorists and wants to shut down Guantanamo."
"He denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth."
"He opposes ANWR and supports the global warming cult, even posturing with fellow mountebank Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of solar panels."
"The only site that would have been more appropriate for Schwarzenegger in endorsing McCain would have been in front of an abortion clinic," she added.
There was lots more but the above suffices to suggest that Ann doesn't think all that highly of John McCain.
Electing Hillary she suggests would result in the GOP coming back in 2012. Electing McCain on the other hand would ruin the Republican Party.
"If McCain is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with the Republicans in Congress co-opted by 'our' president, followed by 30 years of Democratic rule," Ann concludes.
"There's your choice, America, " she wrote.
By: Philip V. Brennan
Because Republicans are nominating what she calls an "open-borders, anti-tax cut, anti-free speech, global-warming hysteric, pro-human experimentation 'Republican' — which is to say a Democrat," Ann Coulter's alternative to John McCain is either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.
While the onetime "Goldwater girl" says she's deserting the GOP this time around, she doesn't exactly swoon over Hillary, warning that "If Hillary is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster," which is what Coulter wants because it would revive the GOP and win back the White House four years later.
"With Republicans ferociously opposing her," Ann says, it would bring "Republicans zooming back into power, as we did in 1980 and 1994, and 2000. I also predict more Oval Office incidents with female interns."
Hillary, however, is not the target of her newest column — It is John McCain she's after:
"As the expression goes, given a choice between a Democrat and a Democrat, voters will always choose the Democrat. The only question remaining is: Hillary or Obama?"
"On the litmus test issues of our time, only partially excluding Iraq, McCain is a liberal."
"He excoriated Samuel Alito as too 'conservative.'"
"He promoted amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants."
"He abridged citizens' free speech (in favor of the media) with McCain-Feingold."
"He hysterically opposes waterboarding terrorists and wants to shut down Guantanamo."
"He denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth."
"He opposes ANWR and supports the global warming cult, even posturing with fellow mountebank Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of solar panels."
"The only site that would have been more appropriate for Schwarzenegger in endorsing McCain would have been in front of an abortion clinic," she added.
There was lots more but the above suffices to suggest that Ann doesn't think all that highly of John McCain.
Electing Hillary she suggests would result in the GOP coming back in 2012. Electing McCain on the other hand would ruin the Republican Party.
"If McCain is elected president, we'll have a four-year disaster, with the Republicans in Congress co-opted by 'our' president, followed by 30 years of Democratic rule," Ann concludes.
"There's your choice, America, " she wrote.
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