
Friday, November 16, 2007

Hillary Hiding Something

What’s Hillary Clinton hiding? That’s what the Republican Party wants to know.

In a mass e-mail sent to GOP supporters, Robert Duncan, chairman of the Republican National Committee, writes: “In 2004, Hillary claimed that all of the records at the Clinton Library would be opened…

Nearly three years after the opening of the Clinton Presidential Library and the ensuing Freedom of Information Act requests, less than half of one percent of the library’s documents are open for review.”

The e-mail also cites a news report that another Arkansas library holding documents related to Clinton won’t be available until after the 2008 election.

Duncan writes: “On the campaign trail, Clinton consistently speaks to her level of experience, yet she will not allow details of that experience to be reviewed by the public. The American people deserve to know what information is being guarded in these libraries.”

The e-mail invites recipients to sign a petition urging Bill and Hillary Clinton to “stop hiding their White House records from the public.”


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