
Friday, June 15, 2007

McCain Buys Anti-Romney Web Site Name

John McCain’s presidential campaign has bought the Web site name www.mittvsfact.com and will launch the site to illustrate White House hopeful Mitt Romney’s alleged flip-flops.

As NewsMax reported, the McCain campaign on Wednesday sent out an e-mail release, with a "Mitt vs. Fact” letterhead, that attacked Romney on the abortion issue.

It linked to a video showing then-Massachusetts Gov. Romney vowing to uphold the state’s abortion-rights laws.

Romney has now called for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationally.

A McCain aide confirmed to The Politico on Friday that his campaign had purchased the mittvsfact Web site last month and "indicated that they would use it as a sort of one-stop shop ‘to brand’ Romney,” according to The Politico.

But the Romney campaign said McCain’s attacks pointed to trouble in his own campaign.

"Desperate candidates do very desperate things,” Romney spokesman Kevin Madden declared.

"Sen. McCain has, sadly enough, been faltering so badly lately that his campaign is left with the last resort of launching attacks against Gov. Romney.”

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