
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Newt Gingrich Raising Millions

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has decried the early start of the 2008 presidential race and the massive fund-raising it necessitates. But Gingrich himself has been busy raising cash for his new political organization.

Gingrich’s group, American Solutions for Winning the Future, has collected more than $2.1 million since it was created in October. It’s a so-called 527 organization, so it would be illegal for

Gingrich to use any of that money in a presidential campaign if he decides to run, as some have speculated. Gingrich has said he won’t make a decision until the fall.

"Still, the group can pay for salaries, Gingrich’s travel, office space, fund-raising, direct mail, television and radio ads and the like,” The Politico reports.

"In other words, it can fund the foundation for a campaign before there is one.”

American Solutions’ Web site says it seeks to build a network of more than 500,000 elected officials from all levels of government, along with activists and volunteers, "to create a wave of change that meets America’s challenges, seizes our opportunities and builds a better future for all Americans.”

The bulk of the money raised so far by Gingrich’s organization came from two donors who each contributed $1 million – Las Vegas Sands Corporation Chairman Sheldon Adelson, and North Carolina real estate developer Fred Godley.

There are no limits on the size of a contribution to a 527 organization.

In an address last week at Goucher College in Maryland, Gingrich said about the long campaign season: "I think it is absurd to have people out here running around raising money, arguing about politics for an entire year.”

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