Monday, March 19, 2007
Al Gore Refuses to Hear GOP Opening Statements
Former Vice President Al Gore apparently will brook no skepticism. Given the opportunity to testify about global warming before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on
Wednesday, Gore decided to arrive late, so he wouldn't have to suffer through the Republicans' opening statement.
He was seen waiting in a hall outside the committee room, Fox News reported. Republicans also objected to the fact that they received Gore's written testimony at 7 a.m. Wednesday morning - hours after Democrats received it.
"How are we supposed to prepare questions for our esteemed witness when we're basically given the testimony two hours before he shows up?" asked one committee Republican.
Republicans complained that Gore was getting special treatment.
The hearing entitled "Perspectives on Climate Change" will also feature Gore critic, Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Consensus Center in Denmark and author of the controversial book "The Skeptical Environmentalist."
Later in the day, the former vice president will testify again, this time before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Former Vice President Al Gore apparently will brook no skepticism. Given the opportunity to testify about global warming before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on
Wednesday, Gore decided to arrive late, so he wouldn't have to suffer through the Republicans' opening statement.
He was seen waiting in a hall outside the committee room, Fox News reported. Republicans also objected to the fact that they received Gore's written testimony at 7 a.m. Wednesday morning - hours after Democrats received it.
"How are we supposed to prepare questions for our esteemed witness when we're basically given the testimony two hours before he shows up?" asked one committee Republican.
Republicans complained that Gore was getting special treatment.
The hearing entitled "Perspectives on Climate Change" will also feature Gore critic, Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Consensus Center in Denmark and author of the controversial book "The Skeptical Environmentalist."
Later in the day, the former vice president will testify again, this time before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.