Friday, February 23, 2007
James Carville: Hillary Won’t Be Swift-boated
Democratic political strategist James Carville is revisiting the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’s attack on John Kerry in 2004 to scare up financial support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
In a mass e-mail sent out under the "Hillary for President” banner, Carville offers a quote from the StopHillaryPAC: "Those Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were the real heroes of the 2004 election. We at the StopHillaryPAC want to do the same thing to Hillary.”
Carville writes: "You read that right. There are people who think the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are heroes for what they did in 2004 – and now they have their sights set on Hillary...
"These ‘swift-boaters’ know, like you and I do, that Hillary is the strongest candidate Democrats have. They know she’s a fighter who will stand up for what’s right, as she has done all her life.
And there’s nothing they fear more...
"Let’s show these attack dogs what we’re made of.”
Carville – the architect of Bill Clinton’s win in 1992 – asks for contributions of $100, $50 or $25 to Hillary’s exploratory committee.
On its Web site, the StopHillaryPAC statement quoted by Carville actually reads in full:
"We at the StopHillaryPAC want to do the same thing to Hillary: take her record - ever since she became a radical, America-hating lawyer at Yale Law School in the 1970s all the way through her years in Arkansas and the White House and now as a Senator - and use it against her.”
Democratic political strategist James Carville is revisiting the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’s attack on John Kerry in 2004 to scare up financial support for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
In a mass e-mail sent out under the "Hillary for President” banner, Carville offers a quote from the StopHillaryPAC: "Those Swift Boat Veterans for Truth were the real heroes of the 2004 election. We at the StopHillaryPAC want to do the same thing to Hillary.”
Carville writes: "You read that right. There are people who think the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are heroes for what they did in 2004 – and now they have their sights set on Hillary...
"These ‘swift-boaters’ know, like you and I do, that Hillary is the strongest candidate Democrats have. They know she’s a fighter who will stand up for what’s right, as she has done all her life.
And there’s nothing they fear more...
"Let’s show these attack dogs what we’re made of.”
Carville – the architect of Bill Clinton’s win in 1992 – asks for contributions of $100, $50 or $25 to Hillary’s exploratory committee.
On its Web site, the StopHillaryPAC statement quoted by Carville actually reads in full:
"We at the StopHillaryPAC want to do the same thing to Hillary: take her record - ever since she became a radical, America-hating lawyer at Yale Law School in the 1970s all the way through her years in Arkansas and the White House and now as a Senator - and use it against her.”