
Friday, October 13, 2006

Late Nite Jokes


I’ve been talking about this all week. Some kids working at a Burger King in New Mexico were arrested when cops discovered they had placed marijuana on their burgers. This marks the first time in history that anything organic has ever been served at Burger King.

You thought that Burger King guy was creepy before. How about if you were stoned?!

Mel Gibson was interviewed by Diane Sawyer. Did you see that? He said that is was a blessing and that he needed humiliation on a global scale. Wouldn’t it have been easier to get a show on NBC?


I’d like to apologize for last night’s show. It was the stupid ramblings of a drunkard.

Mel Gibson was on "Good Morning America”. He’s making a new movie, I believe it’s the first step in the healing the process.

The movie is about the end of the Mayan civilization. Guess who’s fault that was?

Katie Couric is on the program tonight. She’s going to talk about her move from NBC to CBS and the first time Andy Rooney groped her.

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