Saturday, April 15, 2006
Voter Registration Drives at Illegal Immigration Rallies
Some of the biggest pro-illegal immigration rallies lately have featured a disturbing phenomenon: Democratic Party operatives conducting voter registration drives.
After Sunday's massive illegal-immigration rally in Dallas, for instance, the Dallas Morning News headlined their coverage: "Activists sign up protesters to put them on road to polls."
The paper quoted Lena Levario, a criminal defense lawyer who's running as a Democrat to be a judge:
"I am so optimistic that I have 5,000 voter registration cards," she told the News.
By the day's end, the paper said - Levario had yet to tally the new voters she'd harvested from the massive - and largely illegal - crowd.
But the Democrat hopeful declared: "We are going to march to the end of the November election."
Also working the illegal immigration rally was David Hanschen, another Democratic candidate for judge. He handed out fliers that read: " Vota Democrata en 2006."
Elsewhere activists exhorted: "We march today, we vote tomorrow."
While no one involved in the voter drives would admit to knowingly registering illegals, the phenomenon wasn't limited to the Dallas rally.
The San Diego Union Tribune reports that organizers of that city's weekend march foresaw the potential to harness the energy present in the pro-illegal protests and convert it into Latino voting power.
"I think it is very clear that it has the potential for mobilizing both nonregistered U.S. citizen Latinos as well as pushing Latinos to naturalize," Harry Pachon, director of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, told the paper.
Organizers for San Diego's pro-illegal rally made a decision to focus more intensely than originally planned on registering voters, the Tribune said.
"In the process of planning this event, it became clear that we had to do more than get them in the street and make noise," said Matt O'Connor, a spokesman for Local 2028 of the Service Employees International Union in San Diego, which was one of the organizers of the march.
"It's going to be a missed opportunity if we don't do that."
Some of the biggest pro-illegal immigration rallies lately have featured a disturbing phenomenon: Democratic Party operatives conducting voter registration drives.
After Sunday's massive illegal-immigration rally in Dallas, for instance, the Dallas Morning News headlined their coverage: "Activists sign up protesters to put them on road to polls."
The paper quoted Lena Levario, a criminal defense lawyer who's running as a Democrat to be a judge:
"I am so optimistic that I have 5,000 voter registration cards," she told the News.
By the day's end, the paper said - Levario had yet to tally the new voters she'd harvested from the massive - and largely illegal - crowd.
But the Democrat hopeful declared: "We are going to march to the end of the November election."
Also working the illegal immigration rally was David Hanschen, another Democratic candidate for judge. He handed out fliers that read: " Vota Democrata en 2006."
Elsewhere activists exhorted: "We march today, we vote tomorrow."
While no one involved in the voter drives would admit to knowingly registering illegals, the phenomenon wasn't limited to the Dallas rally.
The San Diego Union Tribune reports that organizers of that city's weekend march foresaw the potential to harness the energy present in the pro-illegal protests and convert it into Latino voting power.
"I think it is very clear that it has the potential for mobilizing both nonregistered U.S. citizen Latinos as well as pushing Latinos to naturalize," Harry Pachon, director of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, told the paper.
Organizers for San Diego's pro-illegal rally made a decision to focus more intensely than originally planned on registering voters, the Tribune said.
"In the process of planning this event, it became clear that we had to do more than get them in the street and make noise," said Matt O'Connor, a spokesman for Local 2028 of the Service Employees International Union in San Diego, which was one of the organizers of the march.
"It's going to be a missed opportunity if we don't do that."