
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Late Nite Jokes

Letterman's Top Ten

Top Ten Other Announcements Meredith Vieira Would Like To Make (As Presented By Meredith Vieira)

1. If I seem disappointed, it's because I thought I was going on Leno.

2. I can smell Dave's cheap-ass cologne from here.

3. The rumors are true - I'm on steroids.

4. A minute ago backstage I saw a rat the size of a basset hound.

5. I'm thrilled to follow in the high heels of Katie Couric, Jane Pauley and Bryant Gumbel.

6. I haven't even started at NBC and already I'm getting creepy phone calls from Donald Trump.

7. I'm carrying Brad Pitt's baby.

8. I once served time for running a cockfighting ring in Managua.

9. Six retired generals advised me not to go to CBS.

10.NBC promised me two assistants, an intern and a monkey.

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