Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Rush Limbaugh Exposes Chuck ‘Schumer’s Plumbers’
Rush Limbaugh calls them "Schumer’s Plumbers” – two Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee staffers who worked for Senator Chuck Schumer and are now accused of illegally obtaining the credit report of a Republican candidate for the Senate.
The two staffers have resigned, and Sen. Schumer – chairman of the DSCC – denies any involvement.
In his latest must-read "Limbaugh Letter,” Rush writes that the media is continuing a cover-up of the scandal.
Limbaugh notes that despite Schumer’s denial of any involvement, his organization is picking up the $400-an-hour tab for the pair’s attorney.
The Senator from New York "has presided over a genuine scandal the Old Media has ignored,” Rush reports. "In a dirty tricks scheme worthy of the infamous Watergate ‘plumbers,’ two of Schumer’s DSCC staffers took their opposition research assignment to the max: preparing to smear Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steel, a Republican candidate for Senate.”
DSCC research director Katie Barge – who came to Schumer directly from the liberal George Soros-funded Web site Media Matters – and staffer Lauren Weiner used Steele’s Social Security number, reportedly obtained from court records, to "fraudulently and illegally obtain his credit report,” according to Investor’s Business Daily.
As NewsMax reported earlier, the Fair Credit Reporting Act makes it a federal crime to knowingly and willfully obtain a person’s credit report without their consent or under false pretenses.
The felony is punishable with a fine and up to two years in prison.
Schumer, ironically, last April introduced a bill aimed at preventing identity theft.
But "he has not abandoned his dirt-diggers,” according to the Limbaugh Letter, and is paying "for Barge and Weiner’s attorney William Lawler III – the Democrat-infamy lawyer who represented ex-Gov. Jim McGreevey (D-N.J.) during his 2004 sex scandal.
"And the anti-Steele mud is still being slung.”
The Senatorial campaign of Steele, an African-American, blasted as "gutter racism” a blog containing a doctored photo showing Steele in minstrel makeup – part of what the Steele camp believe is a coordinated Democratic attack on the Republican.
Democrats have reportedly also called him "Uncle Tom” and "Sambo” and pelted him with Oreo cookies during a 2002 campaign debate.
Steele is seeking to fill the seat of Democratic Sen. Paul Sarbanes, who is retiring.
Democrats are hoping to increase their Senate numbers in 2006, and losing Maryland’s "safe” seat to Steele could spell disaster for that plan.
"I annoy them,” said Steele, "because I’m an independent-thinking black man who has not bought into their lies and rhetoric.”
Rush Limbaugh calls them "Schumer’s Plumbers” – two Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee staffers who worked for Senator Chuck Schumer and are now accused of illegally obtaining the credit report of a Republican candidate for the Senate.
The two staffers have resigned, and Sen. Schumer – chairman of the DSCC – denies any involvement.
In his latest must-read "Limbaugh Letter,” Rush writes that the media is continuing a cover-up of the scandal.
Limbaugh notes that despite Schumer’s denial of any involvement, his organization is picking up the $400-an-hour tab for the pair’s attorney.
The Senator from New York "has presided over a genuine scandal the Old Media has ignored,” Rush reports. "In a dirty tricks scheme worthy of the infamous Watergate ‘plumbers,’ two of Schumer’s DSCC staffers took their opposition research assignment to the max: preparing to smear Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steel, a Republican candidate for Senate.”
DSCC research director Katie Barge – who came to Schumer directly from the liberal George Soros-funded Web site Media Matters – and staffer Lauren Weiner used Steele’s Social Security number, reportedly obtained from court records, to "fraudulently and illegally obtain his credit report,” according to Investor’s Business Daily.
As NewsMax reported earlier, the Fair Credit Reporting Act makes it a federal crime to knowingly and willfully obtain a person’s credit report without their consent or under false pretenses.
The felony is punishable with a fine and up to two years in prison.
Schumer, ironically, last April introduced a bill aimed at preventing identity theft.
But "he has not abandoned his dirt-diggers,” according to the Limbaugh Letter, and is paying "for Barge and Weiner’s attorney William Lawler III – the Democrat-infamy lawyer who represented ex-Gov. Jim McGreevey (D-N.J.) during his 2004 sex scandal.
"And the anti-Steele mud is still being slung.”
The Senatorial campaign of Steele, an African-American, blasted as "gutter racism” a blog containing a doctored photo showing Steele in minstrel makeup – part of what the Steele camp believe is a coordinated Democratic attack on the Republican.
Democrats have reportedly also called him "Uncle Tom” and "Sambo” and pelted him with Oreo cookies during a 2002 campaign debate.
Steele is seeking to fill the seat of Democratic Sen. Paul Sarbanes, who is retiring.
Democrats are hoping to increase their Senate numbers in 2006, and losing Maryland’s "safe” seat to Steele could spell disaster for that plan.
"I annoy them,” said Steele, "because I’m an independent-thinking black man who has not bought into their lies and rhetoric.”