
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Laughable Liberals Haven't Learned Anything

CHENEY: Well, I think Howard Dean is over the top. (chuckles) I've never been able to understand his appeal. Maybe his mother loved him, but I never met anybody who does. He's never won anything, as best I can tell. He ran for president and lost all the primaries and now the Democrats have seen fit to make him their national chairman.

RUSH: Now, what's funny about this is that the media that I've seen today is just excoriating Cheney for keeping this alive. "You know, it's one thing for Dean to say this, but Cheney is real low-ball here to keep this alive. This is just horrible. Gotta mention his mother, I mean, that's just low politics, that's just low blow politics. Why in the world would Cheney do this?"

Then some Democrats are saying, "This is great, this is great, we're getting under their skin and so forth." Here is Dean's response.

DEAN: My view is that Fox News is a propaganda outlaw for the Republican Party and I don't comment on Fox News.

RUSH: The libs haven't learned anything. They haven't learned diddly-squat, and if they keep this up -- we talk about this all the time - this isn't inspiring anybody. This is not broadening their base. The media is not helping the Democrats like they think they are. Dean is not helping the Democrats. In fact, I think it's just laughable... You know, a party chairman is supposed to go out there and broaden the base and build the base and enlarge it. It's not happening.

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