
Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Louis Farrakhan: Strap A Bomb

This is the tenth anniversary celebration of the Million Man March. Here is a portion of remarks made by Louis Farrakhan.

CALYPSO LOUIE: Our listening to Louis Armstrong and Billie Holiday, listening to our artists who gave of their souls, and when we heard their songs and patted our feet their music, we could go one more day in a vicious America, a vicious America. And after all that we have suffered, we still have a heart of compassion. After all that we have suffered...

We don't see the vindictive spirit, wanting to do to others what was done to us.If anybody deserves to strap a bomb on themselves and give pain for the pain that we have suffered, it is we.

RUSH: You know, we're listening to this utter, total insane irrationality. The only thing, you don't know how many people now might go -- I just don't want to even consider it. I just don't want to -- here's more of Calypso Louie from this morning.

CALYPSO LOUIE: I listen to my brothers and my sisters. I rejoice in my soul because death is hard when you work all your life to see your people free and die seeing them in worse condition.

RUSH: I swear, folks, I do not know what country he's looking at. This is beyond commentary. Yeah, they haven't made much progress. Still suffering out there, people still need to be set free, rascals, 1966, all the world over, so easy to see, people everywhere just want to be free.

Well, the people who are free somehow are being told that they're still in shackles and chains still on the plantation and it may be time to strap on some bombs, all this from Calypso Louie.

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