Saturday, November 20, 2004
Hillary Clinton said Bill Clinton’s Library "tells the story of his life.” In fact, that’s why it’s a two story building.
The official opening of the Clinton Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. President Bush was there. Huge event. Poured. Nothing but rain. Which is kind of ironic because a lot of dressed got ruined.
In fact there were 4 presidents there, standing side by side. Presidents Carter, Bush One, Clinton and of course George W. Bush all standing together. It kind of looked like the 99 cent store version of Mt. Rushmore!
It was all very dignified. You know there was one kind of tacky moment when Clinton started handing out cigars. I didn’t think that was proper form.
One other thing I thought was premature. When Hillary announced groundbreaking for her own presidential library.
Al Gore was sitting there. I don’t want to say that Al has gotten big, but Clinton saw him from behind and said, "Monica?”
The head of the United States Catholic Bishops said yesterday that "It’s been a very tough time for bishops”...Not as tough as it’s been for alter boys.
Scott Peterson’s attorney, Mark Geragos filed a motion today requesting a new jury be seated to decide whether or not he gets the death penalty. The problem with the old jury is they know he’s guilty.
Did you hear the big news? "The West Wing” has been cancelled. Not the TV show, the Bush cabinet.
According to the "New York Daily News”, Colin Powell as secretary of state had urinals removed that were in the women’s restrooms at the state department. There were urinals in there and all the women like him because he had them removed. Which is funny. That’s funny. Because when Janet Reno was attorney general at the justice department she had the urinals put in.
Hey, Kev (talking to Kevin Eubanks) - what do the price of gold and Anna Nicole Smith have in common? Earlier this week they both hit a ten-year-high.
Did you hear what happened to Anna Nicole? Apparently she tried to cut in line ahead of Courtney Love at the pharmacy.
Here’s my favorite disgusting news story of the week – Hardees restaurants coming out with a new hamburger called the monsterthick burger. It’s made with two 1/3 pound beef patties and contains over 1400 calories and 107 grams of fat. In fact this thing is so big, you can’t even get it in the drive-thru window, you have to go around back to the loading dock.
Michael Jackson is in the news again – this time he’s being sued for $3 million by a film producer who claims Michael never repaid him the money he loaned him. Isn’t that unbelievable? Michael Jackson being sued by a grown-up? Has that ever happened before?
Planning has been finalized for a TV movie about Bonnie Lee Bakley. I’m not sure what kind of movie but we can rule out a ”who done it”.
Blake got a big movie deal – today he was signed to do a movie, he’s starring in the Scott Peterson story.
The NBC show "LA X” had a big surprise last night. They were on the air.
Hillary Clinton said Bill Clinton’s Library "tells the story of his life.” In fact, that’s why it’s a two story building.
The official opening of the Clinton Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. President Bush was there. Huge event. Poured. Nothing but rain. Which is kind of ironic because a lot of dressed got ruined.
In fact there were 4 presidents there, standing side by side. Presidents Carter, Bush One, Clinton and of course George W. Bush all standing together. It kind of looked like the 99 cent store version of Mt. Rushmore!
It was all very dignified. You know there was one kind of tacky moment when Clinton started handing out cigars. I didn’t think that was proper form.
One other thing I thought was premature. When Hillary announced groundbreaking for her own presidential library.
Al Gore was sitting there. I don’t want to say that Al has gotten big, but Clinton saw him from behind and said, "Monica?”
The head of the United States Catholic Bishops said yesterday that "It’s been a very tough time for bishops”...Not as tough as it’s been for alter boys.
Scott Peterson’s attorney, Mark Geragos filed a motion today requesting a new jury be seated to decide whether or not he gets the death penalty. The problem with the old jury is they know he’s guilty.
Did you hear the big news? "The West Wing” has been cancelled. Not the TV show, the Bush cabinet.
According to the "New York Daily News”, Colin Powell as secretary of state had urinals removed that were in the women’s restrooms at the state department. There were urinals in there and all the women like him because he had them removed. Which is funny. That’s funny. Because when Janet Reno was attorney general at the justice department she had the urinals put in.
Hey, Kev (talking to Kevin Eubanks) - what do the price of gold and Anna Nicole Smith have in common? Earlier this week they both hit a ten-year-high.
Did you hear what happened to Anna Nicole? Apparently she tried to cut in line ahead of Courtney Love at the pharmacy.
Here’s my favorite disgusting news story of the week – Hardees restaurants coming out with a new hamburger called the monsterthick burger. It’s made with two 1/3 pound beef patties and contains over 1400 calories and 107 grams of fat. In fact this thing is so big, you can’t even get it in the drive-thru window, you have to go around back to the loading dock.
Michael Jackson is in the news again – this time he’s being sued for $3 million by a film producer who claims Michael never repaid him the money he loaned him. Isn’t that unbelievable? Michael Jackson being sued by a grown-up? Has that ever happened before?
Planning has been finalized for a TV movie about Bonnie Lee Bakley. I’m not sure what kind of movie but we can rule out a ”who done it”.
Blake got a big movie deal – today he was signed to do a movie, he’s starring in the Scott Peterson story.
The NBC show "LA X” had a big surprise last night. They were on the air.