Sunday, October 31, 2004
Top Ten Reasons To Vote Against Kerry In 2 Days
We have picked the Top Ten Internet Articles about John Kerry, in the last year, and we have a Letterman style countdown to the election, Nov 2th, 2 days from now.
10. Kerry Campaigns With His Butler (04/27/04)
9. Kerry Flies in Hairdresser for $1000 Haircut (04/28/04)
8. Kerry Flops While Parachuting In For A Day (06/24/04)
7. Dictators, Tyrants and Weasels for Kerry (03/22/04)
6. Kerry Honored At Communist Museum (10/27/04)
5. Kerry Faces Questions About Senate Hit Plot (03/24/04)
4. Kerry's Secret Cambodia Mission (08/10/04)
3. JohnKerryIsADouchebagButI' (04/28/04)
2. Kerry's Flip Flops (09/28/04)
WHO IS JOHN KERRY? A Flip-Flopping Massachusetts Liberal Out Of Touch With America.
See Photo's
Kerry's Flip Flops
Kerry's Waffle House
Kerry has Flip Flop so many times, we could not pick just one.
Kerry Sets a Record: 14 Flip-Flops in One Speech
Sen. John Kerry set some kind of record today in a speech to his fellow leftists at New York University. The Republican National Committee counted 14 flip-flops on Iraq.
Among the more egregious of the tragicomic whoppers noted:
Kerry now claims the "most important task" is to win the "war on terrorism." Yet Kerry, speaking to his pets at the New York Times in March, refused to call the war on terror a war.
Kerry now claims Iraq was a "diversion from" the war on terror. On Dec. 15 he said: "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror." More>>
John 'Flapjack' Kerry
Kerry Flip-flops on Missing WMDs
Kerry Flip-Flops Again on 'Tossed' Medals
Kerry Flip-Flops Yet Again on Abortion
More Flip Flop: Kerrys Says Arafat No Longer Statesman
We have picked the Top Ten Internet Articles about John Kerry, in the last year, and we have a Letterman style countdown to the election, Nov 2th, 2 days from now.
10. Kerry Campaigns With His Butler (04/27/04)
9. Kerry Flies in Hairdresser for $1000 Haircut (04/28/04)
8. Kerry Flops While Parachuting In For A Day (06/24/04)
7. Dictators, Tyrants and Weasels for Kerry (03/22/04)
6. Kerry Honored At Communist Museum (10/27/04)
5. Kerry Faces Questions About Senate Hit Plot (03/24/04)
4. Kerry's Secret Cambodia Mission (08/10/04)
3. JohnKerryIsADouchebagButI' (04/28/04)
2. Kerry's Flip Flops (09/28/04)
WHO IS JOHN KERRY? A Flip-Flopping Massachusetts Liberal Out Of Touch With America.
See Photo's
Kerry's Flip Flops
Kerry's Waffle House
Kerry has Flip Flop so many times, we could not pick just one.
Kerry Sets a Record: 14 Flip-Flops in One Speech
Sen. John Kerry set some kind of record today in a speech to his fellow leftists at New York University. The Republican National Committee counted 14 flip-flops on Iraq.
Among the more egregious of the tragicomic whoppers noted:
Kerry now claims the "most important task" is to win the "war on terrorism." Yet Kerry, speaking to his pets at the New York Times in March, refused to call the war on terror a war.
Kerry now claims Iraq was a "diversion from" the war on terror. On Dec. 15 he said: "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror." More>>
John 'Flapjack' Kerry
Kerry Flip-flops on Missing WMDs
Kerry Flip-Flops Again on 'Tossed' Medals
Kerry Flip-Flops Yet Again on Abortion
More Flip Flop: Kerrys Says Arafat No Longer Statesman