
Sunday, August 29, 2004

Liberals, You've Just Shown Us Your Colors... Yellow, Yellow, Yellow

John Kerry whines to the President, demanding that he make some war veterans stop talking about him; it's okay to impugn George Bush's name, but not his.

Debbie Daniel:
If Kerry Can't Handle the 'Swiftees,' How's He Going to Handle the Terrorists?

I've had more people chastise me for defending George Bush. They say they should have the right to say what they want about the President and he should not be above criticism.

Oh, I get it . . . we should have the freedom to besmirch the President of the United States, but how dare anyone malign John Kerry.

Well liberals, you've just shown us your colors . . . yellow, yellow, yellow. And it looks so natural on you.

Why don't 254 veterans, who served this country, have a right to speak out? They have something to say, but John Kerry doesn't want to hear them.

Do you mean to tell me that Mr. Kerry's four months as a decorated soldier - a man who never spent a day in an infirmary, never missed an hour's duty, and never had more than a band-aid to cover a wound - is beyond reproach?

Bob Dole was absolutely right: "Where's the outrage?" That brave man in WWII laid in a field for nine hours nearly bleeding to death, while it's not even documented that John Kerry spilled a drop of his own blood in Vietnam. The bar for heroism was lowered dramatically from one war to the next.

Have you ever heard so much belly-aching in all your life? Whaah, whaah, whaah . . . the hero can't handle it. John Kerry had to actually call on the President of the United States to tell the Swift Boat Veterans to stop telling their stories.

He's tried to stop distribution of John O'Neill's book, "Unfit for Command"; he's threatened TV stations with libel suits that air anymore of the Swift Boat Vets' ads, and he's tried to have book stores remove copies of the book.

Didn't those men earn the right to speak? Didn't their service in combat give them the privilege to be heard? How can one soldier come back from Vietnam in 1971 . . . spit on thousands of soldiers, and then spit again on 254 who choose to stand against him?

Who does John Kerry think he is? Some of you might want to take note that we have a "run-away" Senator that's decided this is his country and no one else's.

But to kick, scream, and holler that he's being mistreated is beyond me. As Bill Clinton in 1988 spoke of George Bush #41: "Isn't he pathetic?" . . . I can't help but be reminded of those same words in regards to this pitiful example shown by Mr. Kerry.

To go crying to the Commander-in-Chief is pathetic. C'mon Mr. Kerry, you're a big boy; certainly not acting like a "hero."

And after the President calls off the "ads," you have the nerve to send out your minion John-Boy, to say it's not enough?

When Ted Kennedy accused George Bush of being a LIAR, did you hear George Bush yell foul? No, he marched onward! And Ted Kennedy had to prove nothing.

When Al Gore screamed and became "un-hinged" accusing George Bush of betraying his country and calling him a moral coward, did you hear George Bush say anything? No, he marched onward! And Al Gore had to prove nothing.

When Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Madeline Albright, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean, Richard Clarke and much of Hollywood all used damaging rhetoric of Bush being a murderer; another Hitler; a war monger; a religious fanatic; irresponsible; incompetent and fueling the terrorists' hate . . . did you hear George Bush respond negatively? No, he marched onward! And not one person was asked to give proof of their claim.

John Kerry has called Bush a liar; untrustworthy; that he gutted the morale; an embarrassment to the United States, and because of this President, nations don't respect us anymore. What was George Bush's answer to those indictments? Not one word. And Mr. Kerry did not offer any proof.

Mr. Kerry, you spat on the Vietnam soldiers once, do you really want to spit on them again? You've spat on the President many times, and yet you call on him for help.

Mr. Bush has spent the past four years listening to people "berate with hate" and still marches onward, and will not respond in kind. He only praises; even those who spitefully use him and call him names.

Everyone else seems to exercise their freedom to speak. But when 254 "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" are on the record questioning John Kerry's fitness to serve as Commander-in-chief, and 64 soldiers make definitive accusations with eyewitness accounts of his service in Vietnam . . . they are called liars; they should not speak; Mr. Bush is accused of coordinating a smear campaign, and the "Swiftees" are challenged to prove every single allegation.

And what does Mr. Bush do? He marches onward and says, "John Kerry served his country admirably and should be proud of his record."

Would someone please tell me which man will stand strong against terrorists? The last time I checked, that's the war staring us in the face.

With John Kerry - it's all about Him. With George Bush - it's all about America. Who do you choose?

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