
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Communist Party Helping Kerry

John Kerry has an interesting ally: the U.S Communist Party.

For the U.S. Communist Party Website (Click Here)

NewsMax: The official Web site of the U.S. Communist Party is listing the "Top Ten Reasons to Defeat George W. Bush," all of which are right out of the Kerry-Edwards campaign playbook.

The Communist Party urges communist readers to buy ad space in their local papers and publish the list in an attempt to help the Kerry campaign defeat President Bush.

And that's not the only connection between the Communists and the Kerry campaign. Kerry's campaign theme, "Let America Be America Again," was borrowed from the title of a poem by Communist poet Langston Hughes.

Here are the "Top Ten Reasons to Defeat George W. Bush," according to the Communist Party USA:

1. Bush is destroying workers rights and outsourcing jobs instead of protecting the right to organize and creating new jobs rebuilding schools, bridges, roads and hospitals.

2. Bush is privatizing Medicare, Social Security and public education with phony reforms instead of enacting health care for all, protecting retirement funds and full funding for public education through college.

3. Bush is bankrupting the Federal Government with giant tax cuts for the very rich and super-funds to the military instead of securing the budget for human needs by taxing the rich and spending on human needs.

4. Bush is rolling back civil rights gains instead of enforcing and expanding affirmative action to end racism in all areas of life.

5. Bush is curtailing women's rights and choice by undermining Roe v. Wade instead of upholding the right to choice and ending the gender-wage gap.

6. Bush is abusing immigrant workers in low-wage jobs instead of providing a clear path to citizenship and equal rights.

7. Bush is exploiting and ruining the environment by protecting corporate polluters instead of conserving our natural resources for the public good.

8. Bush's war in Iraq is a disaster for our security and economy. He is pushing for more preemptive wars and for first strike nuclear military policy instead of negotiations and cooperation utilizing the U.N.

9. Bush is denying civil liberties and free speech in the name of fighting terrorism instead of repealing the U.S.A. Patriot Act and helping cities, towns and states fund firefighters and police.

10. Bush discriminates against gays and lesbians with a Constitutional amendment instead of expanding civil rights and liberties for all.

Had enough?

Read: Manifesto of the Communist Party 1848 (Click Here)

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