
Wednesday, June 16, 2004


John Kerry appeared on MTV and in an effort to reach out to MTV viewers he said the rap and hip hop intrigue him. He also went on to add that one day he hopes to meet them both.


They also unveiled the official portrait of Bill Clinton and there is also an official portrait of Hillary. And to keep it realistic, it will be hung in a separate rooms.

There was one embarrassing moment when Bush also tried to unveil a painting of Al Gore - and it turned out to be the real Al Gore.

President Bush Senior jumped out of a plane yesterday. I didn’t even know he was a Lakers fan.

In Paris, France, the Paris city council is now trying to enact a law banning SUV’s because of the dangers of the toxic admissions they put out. Apparently the admissions are so bad that people in Paris can hardly breathe in their cigarette smoke.

Martha Stewart is asking the judge for a new trial because one of the witnesses was accused of perjury and she claims the prosecution knew about it during the trial. Isn’t that ironic? Martha is now accusing the government of having inside information and lying about it.


I’m eating in a trendy L.A. restaurant last night and I started choking and Jack Nicholson runs up and gave me an honorary Lakers jersey.

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