Friday, June 25, 2004
The Angry Left - Bush Is Another Hitler
ESPN, Hunter S. Thompson wrote that the prisoner-abuse images were worse than "the foulest atrocities of Adolf Hitler."
Democrats unleash Gore on Bush
If Bush is another Hitler, what words are left to describe Hitler?
Just Like Stalingrad
Bret Stephens: According to Sidney Blumenthal, a onetime adviser to president Bill Clinton, compares the April death toll for American soldiers in Iraq to the Eastern Front in the Second World War.
Mr. Bush's "splendid little war," he writes, "has entered a Stalingrad-like phase of urban siege and house-to-house combat."
President Bush today runs "what is in effect a gulag," stretching "from prisons in Afghanistan to Iraq, from Guantanamo to secret CIA prisons around the world."
The factual bases for these claims are, first, that the U.S. holds some 10,000 "enemy combatants" prisoner; and second, that 122 U.S. soldiers were killed in action in April.
"The Black Book of Communism," which relates that on "1 January 1940 some 1,670,000 prisoners were being held in the 53 groups of corrective work camps and 425 collective work colonies.
As for Stalingrad, German deaths between Jan. 10 and Feb. 2, 1943, numbered 100,000, according to British historian John Keegan.
Mr. Blumenthal is not alone. Al Gore last month accused Mr. Bush of creating "more anger and righteous indignation against us as Americans than any leader of our country in the 228 years of our existence as a nation."
Every single column written by the New York Times' Paul Krugman is an anti-Bush screed.
There are two explanations for all this. One is that Mr. Bush really is as bad as Sid, Al and Paul say: the dumbest, most feckless, most fanatical, most incompetent and most calamitous president the nation has ever known. A second is that Sid, Al and Paul are insane.
So here is one aspect of this insanity: no sense of proportion. For Mr. Blumenthal, Fallujah isn't merely like Stalingrad. It may as well be Stalingrad, just as Guantanamo may as well be Lefertovo and Abu Ghraib may as well be Buchenwald, and Mr. Bush may as well be Hitler and Hoover combined, and Iraq may as well be Vietnam and Bill Clinton may as well be Franklin Roosevelt.
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Gore mentally unstable
Old Yeller - Al Gore
Al Gore does appear to be a sick man
ESPN, Hunter S. Thompson wrote that the prisoner-abuse images were worse than "the foulest atrocities of Adolf Hitler."
Democrats unleash Gore on Bush
If Bush is another Hitler, what words are left to describe Hitler?
Just Like Stalingrad
Bret Stephens: According to Sidney Blumenthal, a onetime adviser to president Bill Clinton, compares the April death toll for American soldiers in Iraq to the Eastern Front in the Second World War.
Mr. Bush's "splendid little war," he writes, "has entered a Stalingrad-like phase of urban siege and house-to-house combat."
President Bush today runs "what is in effect a gulag," stretching "from prisons in Afghanistan to Iraq, from Guantanamo to secret CIA prisons around the world."
The factual bases for these claims are, first, that the U.S. holds some 10,000 "enemy combatants" prisoner; and second, that 122 U.S. soldiers were killed in action in April.
"The Black Book of Communism," which relates that on "1 January 1940 some 1,670,000 prisoners were being held in the 53 groups of corrective work camps and 425 collective work colonies.
As for Stalingrad, German deaths between Jan. 10 and Feb. 2, 1943, numbered 100,000, according to British historian John Keegan.
Mr. Blumenthal is not alone. Al Gore last month accused Mr. Bush of creating "more anger and righteous indignation against us as Americans than any leader of our country in the 228 years of our existence as a nation."
Every single column written by the New York Times' Paul Krugman is an anti-Bush screed.
There are two explanations for all this. One is that Mr. Bush really is as bad as Sid, Al and Paul say: the dumbest, most feckless, most fanatical, most incompetent and most calamitous president the nation has ever known. A second is that Sid, Al and Paul are insane.
So here is one aspect of this insanity: no sense of proportion. For Mr. Blumenthal, Fallujah isn't merely like Stalingrad. It may as well be Stalingrad, just as Guantanamo may as well be Lefertovo and Abu Ghraib may as well be Buchenwald, and Mr. Bush may as well be Hitler and Hoover combined, and Iraq may as well be Vietnam and Bill Clinton may as well be Franklin Roosevelt.
Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Gore mentally unstable
Old Yeller - Al Gore
Al Gore does appear to be a sick man