Thursday, April 29, 2004
'Uh-oh, We've Nominated a Turkey' Part 2
The DNC (Democrats) has a new Web Site! (Click Here)
"Why it's Crucial That You, I, Everyone Else Cast A Vote For Kerry This Fall-DON'T MATTER WHAT"
"It seemed that every time I saw, heard, or read something about Kerry, his doucheness factor increased."
Slate: Synecdoche got the best of me: The issue of course in all the cases above (and the I-never-said-I-was-Irish business and the It's-not-my-SUV business, etc.) is less Kerry's relation to the Navy or his medals than his relation to the truth. ..."
Rush: Democrats Unhappy with John Kerry
Rush: "I've been telling you that in the deep, dark secretive bowels of the Democratic Party -- which is where they exist these days, in the bowels -- they are asking themselves, "What have we done? What can we do? How do we get through this? What's actually going to happen?"
"Let me just give you a sample of some of the news headlines..."
" From the New York Daily News: "Youthful Errors Captured on Tape Will Haunt Kerry." From, Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online: "Contradictions at the Core of Kerry Campaign." Richard Wolf of Newsweek on "When Will Kerry be Ready for Prime Time?" Hugh Hewitt, WorldNetDaily, "the Torricelli Option -- Will the Dems Dump Kerry?"
"Tony Blankley in the Washington Times: "Kerry's Fatal Flaw," and the Dallas Morning News, an editorial: "Kerry's Medals," and they're all worried. Then you go to the Village Voice..."John Kerry Must Go." It's by James Ridgeway, "It's not too late to nominate somebody, anybody, else."
More bizarre, strange, weird and wonderful articles in the Media Today. Look at:
Kerry's fatal flaw
When Will Kerry Be Ready for Prime Time?
Kerry Draws Fire Over Lack of Minorities
John Kerry Must Go
Jiggy Fly Kerry
Kerry’s do-gooder liberalism does no one any good
Rage and Hate Destroying Democrats
Kerry Campaigns With His Butler
Bringing Kerry Back From the Dead
Kerry Needs 'Muscle Gap' to Run On
Have another fun Day!
The DNC (Democrats) has a new Web Site! (Click Here)
"Why it's Crucial That You, I, Everyone Else Cast A Vote For Kerry This Fall-DON'T MATTER WHAT"
"It seemed that every time I saw, heard, or read something about Kerry, his doucheness factor increased."
Slate: Synecdoche got the best of me: The issue of course in all the cases above (and the I-never-said-I-was-Irish business and the It's-not-my-SUV business, etc.) is less Kerry's relation to the Navy or his medals than his relation to the truth. ..."
Rush: Democrats Unhappy with John Kerry
Rush: "I've been telling you that in the deep, dark secretive bowels of the Democratic Party -- which is where they exist these days, in the bowels -- they are asking themselves, "What have we done? What can we do? How do we get through this? What's actually going to happen?"
"Let me just give you a sample of some of the news headlines..."
" From the New York Daily News: "Youthful Errors Captured on Tape Will Haunt Kerry." From, Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online: "Contradictions at the Core of Kerry Campaign." Richard Wolf of Newsweek on "When Will Kerry be Ready for Prime Time?" Hugh Hewitt, WorldNetDaily, "the Torricelli Option -- Will the Dems Dump Kerry?"
"Tony Blankley in the Washington Times: "Kerry's Fatal Flaw," and the Dallas Morning News, an editorial: "Kerry's Medals," and they're all worried. Then you go to the Village Voice..."John Kerry Must Go." It's by James Ridgeway, "It's not too late to nominate somebody, anybody, else."
More bizarre, strange, weird and wonderful articles in the Media Today. Look at:
Kerry's fatal flaw
When Will Kerry Be Ready for Prime Time?
Kerry Draws Fire Over Lack of Minorities
John Kerry Must Go
Jiggy Fly Kerry
Kerry’s do-gooder liberalism does no one any good
Rage and Hate Destroying Democrats
Kerry Campaigns With His Butler
Bringing Kerry Back From the Dead
Kerry Needs 'Muscle Gap' to Run On
Have another fun Day!