
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Another Kerry and Media flip-flop?

Monday, April 19, 2004 CBlountBlogs
Kerry: My Vietnam Med Records Already Public

Kerry, Under Fire, Releases Some Military Records

Boston Globe
Kerry refuses to release more records

Kerry: I'll Release Military Records on Web

Kerry Reneges on Promise to Release Military Records

Kerry Campaign Posts Navy Records Online

Kerry’s Military Service – Fact or Fiction

Are you confused? We Are!

Story still developing……..

So come back to CBlountBlog and look for Updates

Update #1

RNC: Release All of Kerry's Military Records

The Republican National Committee applied pressure to the campaign of likely Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry on Tuesday by asking him to keep his word about releasing all of his military records to the public.

Earlier this year, the Democratic Party made a media spectacle out of viewing all of President George W. Bush's military records.

"A reporter with the Boston Herald attempted to see the military records on Monday and was told by Michael Meehan, a Kerry spokesman, that no new documents would be released, including military evaluations, medical records, and other documents."

"By contrast, Bush released over 300 pages of papers after there were questions about his National Guard service after his February 8 appearance on "Meet the Press."

"The president lived up to his commitment he made to the public, and we should expect the same from his opponent."

"Guess it depends on what your definition of the word 'all' is," Gillespie quipped.

"Voters aren't stupid, and he shouldn't treat us as if we are," Gillespie concluded.

"Meehan has disallowed any copies of the military records from being copied by reporters because Kerry states those are private."

"Bush reelection campaign chairman Ken Mehlman said this is yet another example of how Kerry promises one thing, but delivers another."

"Senator Kerry's record of nondisclosure and his flip-flop on this issue should concern voters.

Is this the answer to our questions? It's another Kerry flip-flop..

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