
Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Terror Wins in Spain, Left dancing in the Streets

Rush Said: Left Breathes Sigh of Relief. "What do the terrorists do now?" And I don't just mean Al-Qaeda or Al-Shmaeda. To me they're all the same.

"I keep reading in the paper, "Oh, no, the socialists won!" or in the mainstream press, "Yippee, the socialists won!" Socialists didn't win diddlysquat, folks. Socialists didn't win beans. The socialists are there to pick up the mess left by the real winners, who are the terrorists. The terrorists are the huge winners, ladies and gentlemen."

The partisan media are all ecstatic and excited about this. The headlines talk about how Bush has lost an ally, Bush in trouble on war on terror, blah, blah, blah. Well, the opposite of that is, Kerry not in trouble, Kerry aided by Spanish election. And the terrorists are the ones who won that election, so what's good for Al-Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party.

Kerry has said about the War on Terror: It's primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation that requires cooperation around the world, the very thing this administration is worst at."

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