
Thursday, March 18, 2004

Saddam's Useful Idiots

Did any Iraqi money filter back to American war critics?

A year ago John Kerry described the nations that would liberate Iraq as a "coalition of the bribed, the coerced, the bought and the extorted."

It turns out that,"coalition of the bribed", may be a better description of Kerry's own antiwar camp. From Jacques Chirac's and Vladimir Putin's political cronies to Tony Blair's own Labour Party, many of the most vocal opponents of enforcing U.N. resolutions turn out to have been on the take.

Take a Look at what Cheney said about Kerry's Statement!

"Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Spain, Poland and more than 20 other nations have contributed and sacrificed for the freedom of the Iraqi people," the vice president said, pointing out that Kerry calls these countries "window dressing."

"They are in his words a coalition of the coerced and the bribed," Cheney said. "How would Senator Kerry describe Great Britain - coerced or bribed? Or Italy, which recently lost 19 citizens killed by terrorists in Najaf? Was Italy's contribution just window dressing?

"If such dismissive terms are the vernacular of the golden age of diplomacy Senator Kerry promises, we are left to wonder which nations would care to join any future coalition," he said.

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