
Saturday, March 13, 2004


Mr Kerry

At the news Conference on March 11th you said: Bush Will Release Attack Ads.

“They will say nothing about Heath Care,” ”Say nothing about Jobs,” “Say Nothing about Education,” and “Say Nothing about Making America safer in this world.”

Go to: Watch Latest Bush-Cheney '04 Television Ads

Watch the New ad- FORWARD This ad was released on March 11th, The same day as your news Conference.

The ad tells voters they face choices on the economy, health care and the war on terrorism. "We can go forward with confidence, resolve and hope. Or we can turn back to the dangerous illusions that terrorists are not plotting and outlaw regimes are no threat,"

"We can go Forward and continue to work to “Create Jobs, Reform Education and Lower the cost of Heath Care"-

"Together we will move America forward"

Again Mr Kerry your Pedicured Foot is Firmly in Your Mouth

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