Wednesday, March 31, 2004
"John Kerry has had surgery to repair his right shoulder. He hurt it when he switched his position on Iraq."
"This Richard Clark guy, he also worked under President Clinton. He said that terrorism was Bill Clinton’s top concern. He was always concerned about a terrorist attack. In fact he was first attracted to Monica Lewinsky as a human shield. The whole sex thing came later."
"Listen to this – there is a cloning company here in California that they say will clone your cat for $50,000. Fifty-thousand and they can clone your cat. That’s a tough decision, huh. Do you spend the fifty grand or go down to the pound and get another one free!"
Baseball season officially started. Finally, something in the news President Bush is interested in.
"John Kerry has had surgery to repair his right shoulder. He hurt it when he switched his position on Iraq."
"This Richard Clark guy, he also worked under President Clinton. He said that terrorism was Bill Clinton’s top concern. He was always concerned about a terrorist attack. In fact he was first attracted to Monica Lewinsky as a human shield. The whole sex thing came later."
"Listen to this – there is a cloning company here in California that they say will clone your cat for $50,000. Fifty-thousand and they can clone your cat. That’s a tough decision, huh. Do you spend the fifty grand or go down to the pound and get another one free!"
Baseball season officially started. Finally, something in the news President Bush is interested in.