
Saturday, March 20, 2004


Explosion occurred at 8:10 pm in Baghdad (March 17,2004- 12:10 ET)

Before we went to bed- AARON BROWN: Car Bomb Blasts Baghdad Hotel, kills More Than 27 (March 17, 2004 – 22:00 ET (10 pm ET)

The next Morning- REUTERS: Iraq Interior Minister says Blast Killed 6. (March 18 2004 09:23 GMT-4:23 am ET) - Received this on my PDA at 5:08 am (10:08 GMT)

Something or Someone was wrong!!!

If you love Time-Line Research go to: CNN Transcripts for March 17, 2004

13:30 ET (1:30 pm ET) - CNN REPORTS BLAST (1 hour and 25 Minutes after the Blast)

WALTER RODGERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: "The -- And CNN has also just confirmed those same numbers, 27 dead. Those numbers are likely to grow. Many, many injured…."

15:00 ET (3 pm ET) - JANE ARRAF, CNN BAGHDAD BUREAU CHIEF: "Miles, the death toll so far, 27 dead, more than 40 injured."

17:00 ET (5 pm ET)-. BLITZER: "At least 28 people are dead. More than 50 people are injured. Right now people continue as you see to dig through the rubble, sometimes by hand, and the death toll easily could rise."

Look at KING (28 Dead); COOPER (At Least 29); HEIDI for PAULA (At Least 29); AARON (More Than 27)

NEXT DAY: CNN Transcripts for March 18, 2004

05:00 ET - WALTER RODGERS (29 people killed)

07:00 ET – BILL HEMMER: "Officials still trying to figure out the exact death toll."

11:00 ET – WALTER RODGERS: "Many People are Listed as having been Killed."

CNN never gave the Right numbers, but continue to say:

"U.S. soldiers responded to this scene.. and many angry Iraqis actually pushed those U.S. soldiers back. That's a little vignette which tells us a lot, I think."

"It took the fire trucks half an hour to get to the scene… the Americans were not welcome here. The Iraqis were furious because of the blast…. People need someone to blame after an incident last night, and the Americans were the ones who were, at least initially, blamed."

Do you see the pattern here or do we need to say more?

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