
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Clarke Praises Bush in Resignation Letter

"It has been an enormous privilege to serve you these last 24 months," said the Jan. 20, 2003, letter from Clarke to Bush. "I will always remember the courage, determination, calm, and leadership you demonstrated on September 11th."

The letter was stamped "the president has seen" the next day

Clarke's job as the White House's counterterrorism chief was split in two early in the Bush White House, with Clarke put in charge of cybersecurity and others brought in for the anti-terror role.

Look again: Richard Clarke, Fraud

"Richard Clarke is a bitter, discredited bureaucrat who was an integral part of the Clinton administration's failed approach to terrorism, was demoted by President Bush, and is now an adjunct to John Kerry's presidential campaign."

Wasn't Clarke the "counterterrorism czar" when 9-11 Happen? No Wonder he is so Upset, he failed to do his job and stop 9-11?

John Podhoretz, New York Post - Richard Clark is a self-regarding Buffoon!

"But his solipsistic silliness won't give pause to the Democrat-media desperation to rewrite recent history in an effort to delude voters that the 9/11 attacks were the fault of George W. Bush's inattention."

"They were not Bush's fault, and they were not caused by his inattention. Nor were they Clinton's fault. They were the fault of Osama bin Laden, who attacked and killed 3,000 Americans and would happily have seen that number read 30,000 or 50,000."

"We need to remember this (9-11), and we are in danger of forgetting it in the raging partisan kerfuffle"

"In the months after 9/11, the Bush administration refused - absolutely refused - to try to blame the attacks on the Clinton administration's failure of vision. The nation needed to be united in its determination and could not afford to surrender to finger-pointing."

"Well, guess what? The Clinton administration's senior foreign-policy officials will be appearing this week before the 9/11 commission - to do to the Bush administration exactly what the Bush administration refused to do to them"

The hearings and frantic finger-pointing about September 11 are as silly and pointless as they are inevitable.

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