Thursday, February 12, 2004
POWELL SHOT DOWN Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)
When Brown contrasted Powell's military experience to Bush's record with the National Guard, saying the president "may have been AWOL" from duty, Powell exploded.
"First of all, Mr. Brown, I won't dignify your comments about the president because you don't know what you are talking about," Powell snapped.
"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean, Mr. Secretary," Brown replied.
"You made reference to the president," Powell shot back.
Brown then repeated his understanding that Bush may have been AWOL from guard duty.
"Mr. Brown, let's not go there," Powell retorted. "Let's not go there in this hearing. If you want to have a political fight on this matter, that is very controversial, and I think it is being dealt with by the White House, fine, but let's not go there."
Powell then went on to defend the Bush administration's assertions on Iraq's prewar weaponry. "We didn't make it up," Powell said. "It was information that reflected the views of analysts in all the various agencies."
But the dispute with Brown did not end.
"Are you shaking your head for something, young man?," Powell asked when he noticed an aide to Brown apparently disagreeing.
"I seldom come to a meeting when I'm talking to a congressman and I have people aligned behind you giving editorial comment by headshakes," Powell said.
Brown, defending his assistant, said "I think people have opinions."
The political hack tried to get a cheap shot about Bush in the Congressional Record, and Powell shot him down. Watch the video- look at the expression on Brown'sface. Like the rest of the lying, loudmouthed truth bullies, he backed down at the first sign of a fight. Loser Democrats- can't win on the issues, so they sink to this Garbage. They thought they finally had an issue with this tawdry smear campaign, and all they have done is get our dander up. Fools brought another knife to a gunfight.
P.S. Sherrod Brown gave the Democrats Weekly Address August 30. 2003
Our Research Group Called Him on 2 Lies In that Address, He backed down again at the first sign of a Fight!
When Brown contrasted Powell's military experience to Bush's record with the National Guard, saying the president "may have been AWOL" from duty, Powell exploded.
"First of all, Mr. Brown, I won't dignify your comments about the president because you don't know what you are talking about," Powell snapped.
"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean, Mr. Secretary," Brown replied.
"You made reference to the president," Powell shot back.
Brown then repeated his understanding that Bush may have been AWOL from guard duty.
"Mr. Brown, let's not go there," Powell retorted. "Let's not go there in this hearing. If you want to have a political fight on this matter, that is very controversial, and I think it is being dealt with by the White House, fine, but let's not go there."
Powell then went on to defend the Bush administration's assertions on Iraq's prewar weaponry. "We didn't make it up," Powell said. "It was information that reflected the views of analysts in all the various agencies."
But the dispute with Brown did not end.
"Are you shaking your head for something, young man?," Powell asked when he noticed an aide to Brown apparently disagreeing.
"I seldom come to a meeting when I'm talking to a congressman and I have people aligned behind you giving editorial comment by headshakes," Powell said.
Brown, defending his assistant, said "I think people have opinions."
The political hack tried to get a cheap shot about Bush in the Congressional Record, and Powell shot him down. Watch the video- look at the expression on Brown'sface. Like the rest of the lying, loudmouthed truth bullies, he backed down at the first sign of a fight. Loser Democrats- can't win on the issues, so they sink to this Garbage. They thought they finally had an issue with this tawdry smear campaign, and all they have done is get our dander up. Fools brought another knife to a gunfight.
P.S. Sherrod Brown gave the Democrats Weekly Address August 30. 2003
Our Research Group Called Him on 2 Lies In that Address, He backed down again at the first sign of a Fight!