Thursday, February 19, 2004
HOFFA ON CHRIS MATTHEWS-(You Have to love this!)
MATTHEWS: How about ANWR? You guys want to see ANWR because you want to see guys working in your business. I guess there are a lot of Teamsters jobs up there lined up and organized, if you could put a pipeline up to the Alaska wilderness. He is against that.
HOFFA: Well, we talked about that. He (Kerry) says, look, I am against ANWR, but I am going to put that pipeline in and wea're going to drill like never before.
MATTHEWS: What, are they going to run water through it? (LAUGHTER)
HOFFA: ... more jobs than the ANWR would have ever created.
MATTHEWS: What are they going to run through the pipeline?
HOFFA: And that is the position he is taking.
MATTHEWS: But he is against drilling up there. What are they going to run through the pipeline?
HOFFA: Well, they are going to drill all over, according to him. And he ((Kerry) says, we are going to be drilling all over the United States. And he says that is going to create more jobs.
MATTHEWS: It just seems amazing that he (Kerry) has turned around on NAFTA, turned around on WTO, turned around on ANWR, anything to get the Teamsters.
MATTHEWS: Who is going to be boss if he gets in there, you or him?
HOFFA: Well, I think that
MATTHEWS: It sounds like you are the boss.
Kerry says, I'm against ANWR, but "I am going to put that pipeline in" and we are going to drill like never before.
Is This like the Road that goes No where? If you have a Pipeline and no oil, as
Matthews said, "What, are they going to run water through it??"
Kerry will do anything to Get the AFL-CIO Backing-"It just seems amazing that he has turned around on NAFTA, turned around on WTO, turned around on ANWR, anything to get the Teamsters."
HOFFA ON CHRIS MATTHEWS-(You Have to love this!)
MATTHEWS: How about ANWR? You guys want to see ANWR because you want to see guys working in your business. I guess there are a lot of Teamsters jobs up there lined up and organized, if you could put a pipeline up to the Alaska wilderness. He is against that.
HOFFA: Well, we talked about that. He (Kerry) says, look, I am against ANWR, but I am going to put that pipeline in and wea're going to drill like never before.
MATTHEWS: What, are they going to run water through it? (LAUGHTER)
HOFFA: ... more jobs than the ANWR would have ever created.
MATTHEWS: What are they going to run through the pipeline?
HOFFA: And that is the position he is taking.
MATTHEWS: But he is against drilling up there. What are they going to run through the pipeline?
HOFFA: Well, they are going to drill all over, according to him. And he ((Kerry) says, we are going to be drilling all over the United States. And he says that is going to create more jobs.
MATTHEWS: It just seems amazing that he (Kerry) has turned around on NAFTA, turned around on WTO, turned around on ANWR, anything to get the Teamsters.
MATTHEWS: Who is going to be boss if he gets in there, you or him?
HOFFA: Well, I think that
MATTHEWS: It sounds like you are the boss.
Kerry says, I'm against ANWR, but "I am going to put that pipeline in" and we are going to drill like never before.
Is This like the Road that goes No where? If you have a Pipeline and no oil, as
Matthews said, "What, are they going to run water through it??"
Kerry will do anything to Get the AFL-CIO Backing-"It just seems amazing that he has turned around on NAFTA, turned around on WTO, turned around on ANWR, anything to get the Teamsters."