
Friday, February 6, 2004

Kerry insults Tennessee-Not Part Of The United States.

Responding to inquiries about why Kerry hasn't scheduled a visit to Tennessee for next Tuesday's primary: "John Kerry is not trying to run a regional candidacy. He's running for president of the United States, with an emphasis on the united," said Kathy Roeder, spokeswoman for the Kerry campaign in Tennessee."

Huh? So Tennessee isn't a part of the United States? Or we're not united? Or is this some sort of Civil War reference? Is this Kerry's "Confederate Flag" moment in reverse?

And how exactly do you ignore an entire region and an important state in that region and say you are running a "national" campaign?

This very telling remark needs to get out there far and wide before next Tuesday's primaries, and needs to stay out there for the "other United" States so when they vote in their primaries they can consider which candidate will truly represent the concerns of all Americans.

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